Foundation > Rogue Wave Script Programming > Guidelines for Developing Scriptable Applications
Guidelines for Developing Scriptable Applications
To create a new scriptable Rogue Wave® Views application or make an existing application scriptable, follow these guidelines:
1. Use an object of the class IlvApplication, or of a derived class, as your application’s root object. Once your IlvApplication object is created, bind it using the name Application.
2. Add all the panels to the IlvApplication object so that they can be accessed from the Application object in Rogue Wave Script for Rogue Wave Views.
3. After creating IlvDisplay, initialize the Rogue Wave Script for Rogue Wave Views auxiliary library using the following code:
Initialization is required when you want to use the IlvCommonDialog object or create IlvPoint, IlvRect, or IlvGadgetContainer objects in Rogue Wave Script for Rogue Wave Views.

Version 6.0
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