2D Graphics > Prototypes > Using Rogue Wave Views Studio to Create BGOs > Creating and Using Prototypes > Saving a Prototype
Saving a Prototype
To add a prototype to an existing library:
1. Choose the Save As command from the File menu.
2. If the prototype was not already part of a library, Prototypes Studio asks if you want to add your prototype to a prototype library. Click Yes.
3. From the dialog box displayed, select the library to which you want to add the prototype.
4. In the subsequent dialog box enter the name of the prototype.
To save your prototype elsewhere than in a prototype library:
1. Choose the Save As command from the File menu.
2. Answer No to the question ‘Save the prototype in a library?’
3. A file selector dialog box appears and asks for a file name. Specify a name with a .ivp extension.
Note: A prototype which is not contained in a prototype library does not appear in the Prototypes Palette, so you cannot create instances of this prototype in panels from within Rogue Wave Views Studio. It is strongly suggested that you use prototype libraries instead of saving each prototype in its own file.
If you make additional changes to your prototype, you can save it again in the same prototype library or to the same file using the Save command from the File menu.
You can move the prototype to a different library, give it a different name, or remove it from its library with the Save As command.
When a prototype is saved, all the panels containing instances of that prototype are updated with the new prototype definition.

Version 6.0
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