Foundation > Drawing Ports > IlvPort: The Drawing Port Class
IlvPort: The Drawing Port Class
The class IlvPort defines a drawing port. The IlvPort class has the necessary member functions to draw any shape to a specific dump device such as a printer. These member functions are:
*The virtual member function initDevice, called by the init function, initializes the dump device and writes its result to the file filename.
*The virtual member function isBad returns IlTrue if the dumping device is not valid. This return value indicates an initialization problem.
*The virtual member function end closes the dump device and does all the necessary cleaning.
*The virtual member function send lets you send any character string to an output device so you can send information to the device.
*The virtual member function newPage produces an output page and prepares the dump device for a new page. It returns IlFalse if there was an error. In this case, you should stop producing output data.
*The virtual member function setTransformer lets you apply an additional transformer—that is, any geometric transformation— to the coordinates with which you “feed” the drawing functions.

Version 6.0
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