Foundation > Graphic Objects > Other Base Classes
Other Base Classes
Some subclasses of IlvSimpleGraphic form base classes for more complex graphic objects.
Gauges are graphic objects that provide a representation of a certain value contained between a minimum and a maximum value. IlvGauge is the main abstract class from which all gauge objects derive.
IlvScale is an abstract class from which are derived all instances of scale object classes. It manages the basic required information concerning scales.
The IlvGadget class is the base class for all the Rogue Wave Views Gadgets package classes. It implements all the basic functionalities of gadgets by providing the necessary parameters to create a graphic object with a palette allowing shadowing management.
For details on gadgets, see the Gadgets documentation.
IlvGroupGraphic is a graphic object class used to display and manipulate a set of graphic objects as a group. This class is used in the Rogue Wave Views Prototypes package.
For details, see the Prototypes documentation.
Some IlvMapxx classes are subclasses of IlvSimpleGraphic, providing various graphic services for the Rogue Wave Views Maps package, such as scales (IlvMapScale, IlvMapDefaultScaleBar, and IlvMapDefaultNeedle) .
For details on all mapping classes, see the Maps documentation.

Version 6.0
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