Foundation > Image Processing Filters > IlvBitmapFilter: The Image Processing Class > Using IlvFilteredGraphic to Apply Filter Flows to Graphic Objects
Using IlvFilteredGraphic to Apply Filter Flows to Graphic Objects
The Rogue Wave® Views foundation package provides a simple way to apply filter flows to graphic objects: the IlvFilteredGraphic class.
This class encapsulates a graphic object and internally computes an IlvBitmapData from the draw method of the object. It then applies a given filter flow to this IlvBitmapData and draws the result on the screen. It is then very easy to add image processing effects to vectorial objects.
Sample code:
IlvZoomableLabel* embosssource = new IlvZoomableLabel(display,
IlvPoint(100, 100),
embosssource->setForeground(display->getColor((IlvIntensity)(5 * 255),
(IlvIntensity)(5 * 255),
(IlvIntensity)(56 * 255)));
IlvFilteredGraphic* emboss = new IlvFilteredGraphic(display,
Many predefined filter flows are provided in the Rogue Wave Views distribution in the $ILVHOME/data/filters directory. You can use them interactively with the Rogue Wave Views Studio application.

Version 6.0
Copyright © 2015, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.