Foundation > Error Messages > Warnings
Note: This list is incomplete and only presents the most common messages.
(<<IlvPattern*): Pattern has no name. Using ‘noname’
(<<IlvColorPattern*): Pattern has no name. Using ‘noname’
When saving a pattern or a colored pattern, the pattern’s bitmap has no name. You may need to set the bitmap name before saving it, otherwise it will not be correctly loaded.
CreateBitmapCell: bitmap xxx not found using default
When creating a bitmap cell, the bitmap name was not found internally. You may need to pre-read the indicated bitmap file.
Found object xxx without IlvPalette
When saving an object, the palette has been replaced. This indicates that you modified your object when saving it.
Icon bitmap has no name. Using ‘noname’
When saving a transparent icon, the bitmap has no internal name and will not be loaded properly.
IlvButton::read: could not find bitmap xxx. Using default
When creating a bitmap button, the bitmap name was not found internally. You may need to pre-read the indicated bitmap file.
IlvDisplay::copyStretchedBitmap: can’t stretch from pixmap to
Trying to stretch a color bitmap into a monochrome destination device.
IlvGadgetContainer::read: couldn’t allocate background color
The container background color that was saved in the data file cannot be allocated. Release some colors to the system.
IlvGrapher::duplicate: object selection not removed
An error has occured when removing the selection on an object.
IlvGrapher::duplicate: object not found
Trying to duplicate objects that are not stored in the grapher.
IlvIcon::read: could not find bitmap xxx. Using default
When creating an icon, the bitmap name was not found internally. You may need to pre-read the indicated bitmap file.
IlvIcon::write: no name. Using ‘noname’...
When saving the icon’s bitmap, the bitmap has no name. You may need to set the bitmap name before saving it, otherwise it will not be correctly loaded.
IlvManager::align: invalid value for align : xxx
Invalid direction parameter for IlvManager::align.
IlvManager::cleanObj: no properties
Trying to clean an object that is not stored in a manager. You may have removed this object twice, or deleted the object before the manager has removed it.
IlvManager::duplicate: object not found
Trying to duplicate an object that is not in this manager.
IlvManager::reshapeObject: no properties
Trying to reshape an object that is not in this manager.
IlvManager::translateObject: no properties
Trying to translate an object that is not in this manager.
IlvManager::zoomView: invalid transformer
The requested zoom operation would result in a non-reversible transformer.
IlvReadPBMBitmap: bad values
The image description is wrong.
IlvSetLanguage: locale not supported by Xlib
The X11 library to which you linked your application does not support your current locale. You may need to relink with a shared version of libX11 that supports your locale.
IlvTransformer::inverse(IlvPoint&): bad transformer xxx
IlvTransformer::inverse(IlvFloatPoint&): bad transformer xxx
IlvTransformer::inverse(IlvRect&): bad transformer xxx
The transformer cannot perform the inverse call, because it is not reversible. The indicated value is the address of the transformer, provided for debugging purposes. Check the transformer values.
IlvTransparentIcon::read: couldn’t find bitmap xxx. Using default
When reading a transparent icon, the name does not match an internally known bitmap. You may need to pre-load the corresponding bitmap.
IlvZoomableIcon::read: couldn’t find bitmap xxx. Using default
The bitmap name of the zoomable icon does not match a know bitmap.
Object not removed xxx
In IlvIndexedSet::removeObject, the object is not stored in this indexed set.
Quadtree::add: xxx [bbox] Already in quadtree
An object is stored twice in a manager. The object type and its bounding box are provided.
Quadtree::remove: object xxx [bbox] not in quadtree
An object is removed from the manager but it was not stored in it.
ReadBitmap: Bitmap xxx not found! Using default
ReadColorPattern: Pattern xxx not found!
ReadPattern: Pattern xxx not found! Using ‘solid’
When reading a bitmap, may be used in a pattern. The bitmap name was not found internally. You may need to pre-read the indicated bitmap file.
ReadLineStyle: LineStyle xxx not found! Using ‘solid’
When reading a line style, could not find the indicated line style identifier.
Too many colors. We’ll keep xxx
Color allocation request failed. Rogue Wave Views tries to find the closest existing color to complete the bitmap.
WriteBitmap: Bitmap has no name using ‘noname’
When saving a bitmap, the bitmap has no name. You may need to set the bitmap name before saving it, otherwise it will not be correctly loaded.

Version 6.0
Copyright © 2015, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.