Foundation > Using Rogue Wave Views on X Window Systems > Libraries > Using the Motif Version, libmviews
Using the Motif Version, libmviews
Creating the IlvDisplay object initializes the Xt library and creates a top shell widget. The values returned by the member functions IlvAbstractView::getSystemView or IlvAbstractView::getShellSystemView are actual Motif widgets. The event loop management is strictly equivalent to a call to XtAppMainLoop. You must have Motif installed on your platform and you must link with the libmviews library and with the libXm, libXt and libX11 libraries.
These differences are discussed in detail in the rest of this appendix, and examples on how to use one or the other mode are provided in the distribution.
Important Restrictions
The use of libmviews is deprecated in shared library format. Since version 4.0, all shared libraries provided by Rogue Wave Views are built using libxviews and are incompatible with libmviews.
libmviews can only be used with the static version of other Rogue Wave Views libraries.
Incompatibility libxviews —libmviews
libxviews and libmviews both implement the same base classes interfacing the windowing system (such as IlvDisplay, IlvView, ...). Because they define the same methods and functions, they are incompatible with one another. In a given application, you must chose to either use libxviews or libmviews, but you cannot use both.
With libmviews, static link only
libmviews cannot be linked dynamically because Rogue Wave Views shared libraries on Unix are built with explicit references to libxviews (the operating system would load both incompatible libraries in memory, leading to unpredictable behavior).
With libmviews, no dynamic loading
Rogue Wave Views dynamic loading mechanism is only enabled in applications linked dynamically (using shared libraries). Since applications built with libmviews must use static linking, dynamic loading is disabled.
With libmviews, do not mix Views gadgets and Motif widgets
Motif/Xt and Views have different ways of managing controls (widgets and gadgets), in particular regarding keyboard traversal, menu system, and internationalized text input. These different mechanisms may interfere with one another and cause unwanted interactions. In order to avoid these conflicts, an application using Motif widgets and Views should avoid use of Views gadgets.

Version 6.0
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