Foundation > Using Rogue Wave Views on X Window Systems > Libraries > Using the Xlib Version, libxviews
Using the Xlib Version, libxviews
Creating the IlvDisplay object establishes a regular connection with the display system. From the X Window point of view, the IlvSystemView type provided to IlvDisplay is equivalent to the Window type. The event loop management is based on a call to select on the file descriptor corresponding to the connection to the display system. You link with the libxviews and libX11 libraries.
In early Rogue Wave Views releases, when gadgets were not yet available, some basic portable GUI components, mainly standard dialogs, were implemented using Motif on UNIX and Microsoft SDK on Windows. These features, though replaced by more recent equivalent components in Rogue Wave Views, have been kept for backward compatibility. They are implemented in libmviews but not in libxviews, which is not based on Motif. These are:
*Standard system dialogs: IlvPromptDialog, IlvInformationDialog, IlvQuestionDialog, IlvFileSelector and IlvPromptStringsDialog.
These classes are declared in the header file ilviews/dialogs.h. The Gadgets library libilvgadgt provides portable versions (in pure Rogue Wave Views code) of similar dialogs. See the ilviews/stdialog.h header file.
*The IlvScrollView, based on Motif XmScrolledWindow.
The classes IlvScrolledView and IlvScrolledGadget offer similar services.

Version 6.0
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