Foundation > Using Rogue Wave Views on Microsoft Windows > Windows-specific Devices
Windows-specific Devices
In order to manage Windows devices (such as the printer or the metafile generation), Rogue Wave® Views provides two classes: IlvWindowsVirtualDevice and IlvWindowsDevice.
You can use the IlvWindowsDevice dump device to print your Rogue Wave Views output to any printer controlled by Microsoft Windows.
Selecting a Printer
You can select a printer by calling the following global function:
const char*
IlvGetWindowsPrinter (Ilboolean dialog = IlTrue);
This function returns a string that describes which printer is about to be used. That string is internally managed and must not be modified nor deleted.
When called with an IlTrue value for the dialog parameter, a dialog box is displayed that lets the user specify which printer to use and what size and orientation parameters should be applied. If this function is called with an IlFalse parameter, a string that describes the current default printer is returned. If there is an error, or if the user clicks the Cancel button, NULL is returned.

Version 6.0
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