Foundation > Using Rogue Wave Views on Microsoft Windows > Exiting an Application Running on Microsoft Windows
Exiting an Application Running on Microsoft Windows
Releasing the memory and the system resources before exiting an application is a good practice on all operating systems. On early versions of MS Windows, it was critical. Recent versions (since NT4) have improved this behavior. However, it is still highly recommended to provide a clean way to quit an application, freeing the memory and releasing system resources before exiting. A convenient way to do so is to write a function that frees the application data, deletes the IlvDisplay and call IlvExit(0). This function may then be used as an accelerator, a button callback, a top window destroy callback, or the like.
Note: All display instances must be deleted, as well as all managers. Remember that containers and managers delete the objects they store when they are destroyed. For information on managers, see the Rogue Wave Views Managers documentation.
Note: Rogue Wave Views uses internal memory that is allocated dynamically. This memory is freed only when the application exits.

Version 6.0
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