2D Graphics > Prototypes > Predefined Accessors > Miscellaneous Accessors
Miscellaneous Accessors
These accessors do not fit current existing categories.
The different Miscellaneous accessors are described as follows:
The Debug accessor (class IlvDebugAccessor) is used to debug prototypes. It prints a message to the console or the output window when the corresponding value is modified or queried.
When the following doTranslateY accessor is queried or changed, a message is printed to the output console, displaying the current value:
The Prototype accessor (class IlvPrototypeAccessor) allows a new prototype to inherit from all the accessors of an existing prototype. The new prototype behaves as if all the accessors of an existing prototype were added to it. This is useful when building libraries of complex behaviors and in reusing them in other prototypes. The prototype library containing the prototype must be open in order for any instance using this accessor to work properly. From the Group Inspector in Rogue Wave Views Studio, you can add a Prototype accessor to a prototype by selecting the Attributes tab and choosing the Edit>Delegate to Prototype item.
*Prototype name: Name of the prototype that you want to inherit accessors from.
This accessor is represented as a subgraph showing all the values exported in the context of the current accessor graph.
The diclock prototype of the sources library encapsulates and exports all the accessors of the clock prototype. It behaves exactly like the clock prototype but has a different graphic representation.

Version 6.0
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