Application Framework > The Bitmap Editor Application > Step 4: Inserting Dialogs Done with Rogue Wave Views Studio > Designing the Dialog Box Using Rogue Wave Views Studio
Designing the Dialog Box Using Rogue Wave Views Studio
1. Launch Rogue Wave Views Studio. For more information on Rogue Wave Views Studio, see the Rogue Wave Views Studio User’s Manual.
2. Select File > New > Gadget. This will create an empty gadget buffer.
3. Select the Gadgets item in the Drag and Drop palette:
4. Drag an IlvFrame from the objects palette and drop it into the gadget buffer.
5. Drag an IlvNumberField and set its name to Width. Inspect it and change its default value to 128.
6. Drag another IlvNumberField and set its name to Height. Inspect it and change its default value to 128.
7. Drag two IlvMessageLabel and change their labels; one to Width and the other to Height.
8. Drag an IlvButton and change its label to OK. Also change its callback to apply. This callback is a predefined callback for subclasses of IlvDialog objects. See IlvDialog::apply for more information.
9. Drag an IlvReliefLine to separate the button from the number fields.
10. Arrange the objects as shown in figure 1.4.
11. Save the file as bmpsize.ilv in the data directory of the Bitmap Editor application.
12. Select File > New > Make Default Application. This is needed to generate the C++ code.
13. Select Code > Panel Class Inspector.
14. Change the class name to BitmapSizeDialog.
15. Change the base class to IlvDialog.
16. Change the directory headers and sources to match the directories of your Bitmap Editor application.
17. Click Apply.
18. Select Code > Generate Panel Class to generate the code.
Two files have been generated: a header file (include/bmpsize.h) and a source file (src/bmpsize.cpp).
19. Quit Rogue Wave Views Studio.

Version 6.0
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