
Rogue Wave DBLink API Reference Guide

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Rogue Wave DBLink
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Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
oCIlCalendarAbstract base class managing a calendar date
oCIldADTDescriptorInstances of the class IldADTDescriptor hold the description of an abstract data type
oCIldADTValueInstances of this class represent the values of objects or collections of ORDBMSs
oCIldAppDescriptorInstances of the class IldAppDescriptor hold the description of a column or a parameter, the size of the data buffer, and the addresses of the data and null indicator buffers
oCIldArgumentInstances of the class IldArgument describe the arguments of a stored procedure or function
oCIldBaseModelTwin class for IldIldBase, with inheritance capability
oCIldBytesThis structure is used to handle long binary data
oCIldCallableInstances of the class IldCallable hold the description of a stored procedure or function
oCIldColumnInstances of the class IldColumn represent the columns of a relation
oCIldDateTimeThis class provides data members, member functions, and operators to manage dates and times as objects
oCIldDbmsThis class handles the connection to the RDBMS
oCIldDbmsModelTwin class for IldDbms, with inheritance capability
oCIldDescriptorInstances of the class IldDescriptor hold the description of a column or a parameter
oCIldDiagnosticInstances of the class IldDiagnostic are used to store the context in which an error or a warning was raised
oCIldErrorReporterThe class IldErrorReporter organizes the way in which DB Link errors are handled
oCIldFKeyThis class describes the foreign keys of tables
oCIldIldBaseThis is the base class for the IldDbms and IldRequest classes
oCIldInitDBLinkThis class will initialize the link mode (dynamic / static)
oCIldKeyThis class describes the primary key of the tables
oCIldNumericThis class allows you to display numbers in an internationalized context
oCIldRelationInstances of the class IldRelation represent the relations (tables or views) in a database
oCIldRequestInstances of this class correspond to the cursors in an RDBMS
oCIldRequestModelTwin class for IldRequest, with inheritance capability
oCIldSchemaEntityThis class is the base class for all descriptions of schema entities in a database
oCIldSQLTypeInstances of the class IldSQLType represent the native data types of a database
oCIldSynonymInstances of the class IldSynonym hold the description of a synonym
oCIldTableIndexThis class describes the indexes of the tables
oCIldTraceContextThis structure is used as the repository of the tracing mechanism context
oCIlEnvironmentThis class contains the description of the environment the application is running in
oCIlGregorianCalendarClass that provides the standard calendar used by most of the world
oCIlIUrlStreamInput stream class
oCIlListA predefined list class that stores IlvAnys
oCIlListIteratorA predefined list iterator class that iterates on IlLists
oCIlListIteratorOf(NAME)An unsafe iterator of lists
oCIlListOf(NAME)A generic class that handles lists
oCIlNumericClass managing large numbers
oCIlPathListThe purpose of this class is to provide a way to order the search path of files
oCIlPathNameClass that manages path names in a portable way
oCIlPoolOf(Char)A predefined memory pool that manages pointers to char
oCIlPoolOf(IlUInt)A memory pool of arrays of IlUInts
oCIlPoolOf(NAME)A generic class that handles memory pools
oCIlPoolOf(Pointer)A predefined memory pool that manages pointers to void
oCIlPredefinedUnitsUtility class holding all time units
oCIlSafeListIteratorA predefined safe list iterator class that iterates on IlLists
oCIlSafeListIteratorOf(NAME)A safe iterator of lists
oCIlSharedPtrManages the storage of a pointer, providing a limited garbage-collection facility, possibly sharing that management with other objects
oCIlStringClass that manages strings in single or multibytes
oCIlSymbolSymbol class
oCIlTimeUnitBase class representing a time unit (second, hour, year...)
oCIlTimeUnitDayDay time unit
oCIlTimeUnitHourHour time unit
oCIlTimeUnitMilliSecondMillisecond time unit
oCIlTimeUnitMinuteMinute time unit
oCIlTimeUnitMonthMonth time unit
oCIlTimeUnitQuarterQuarter time unit
oCIlTimeUnitSecondSecond time unit
oCIlTimeUnitWeekWeek time unit
oCIlTimeUnitYearYear time unit
oCIlTimeZoneDummy IlTimeZone class - not really used
oCIlXmlAttributeDefault implementation of XML attributes
oCIlXmlAttributeIInterface for XML attributes
oCIlXmlCDataDefault implementation of XML CData entities
oCIlXmlCDataIInterface for XML processing instruction entities
oCIlXmlCharRefDefault implementation of XML CharRefs
oCIlXmlCharRefIInterface for XML CharRefs
oCIlXmlCommentDefault implementation of XML comments
oCIlXmlCommentIInterface for XML comments
oCIlXmlDocumentDefault implementation for XML documents
oCIlXmlDocumentIInterface for XML documents
oCIlXmlElementDefault implementation of XML elements
oCIlXmlElementIInterface for XML elements
oCIlXmlNodeArrayIteratorXML node array iterator
oCIlXmlNodeFactoryNode factory used when parsing XML documents
oCIlXmlNodeIInterface for XML nodes
oCIlXmlNodeIteratorXML node iterator
oCIlXmlNodeIteratorIInterface for XML node iterators
oCIlXmlNodeListIteratorInterface for XML node list iterators
oCIlXmlNodePtrArrayIteratorXML node pointer array iterator
oCIlXmlPIDefault implementation of XML processing instructions
oCIlXmlPIIInterface for XML processing instruction entities
oCIlXmlTextDefault implementation of XML texts
\CIlXmlTextIInterface for XML texts

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