Syntax | Effect |
new Array(length) | If length is not a number, and its conversion to a number yields NaN, the second syntax is used. Examples: new Array(12) −> an array a with length 12 and a[0] to a[11] containing null. new Array("5") −> an array a with length 5 and a[0] to a[4] containing null. new Array("foo") −> see second syntax. |
new Array(element1, ..., elementn) | Returns a new array a of length n with a[0] containing element1, a[1] containing element2, and so on. If no argument is given, that is n=0, an empty array is created. If n=1 and element1 is a number or can be converted to a number, the first syntax is used. Examples: new Array(327, "hello world") −> an array a of length 2 with a[0] == 327 and a[1] == "hello world". new Array() −> an array with length 0. new Array("327") −> see first syntax. |
Syntax | Effect |
array[index] | If index can be converted to a number between 0 and 2e32‑2 (see Automatic Conversion to a Number), array[index] is the value of the indexth element of the array. Otherwise, it is considered as a standard property access.If this element has never been set, null is returned. Example: Suppose that the array a has been created with: a = new Array("foo", 12, true) Then: a[0] −> "foo" a[1] −> 12 a[2] −> true a[3] −> null a[1000] −> null When an element of an array is set beyond the current length of the array, the array is automatically expanded: a[1000] = "bar" // the array is automatically expanded. Unlike other properties, the numeric properties of an array are not listed by the statement. |
array.length | The length of array, which is the highest index of an element set in array, plus one. It is always included in 0 and 2e31‑1. When a new element is set in the array, and its index is greater or equal to the current array length, the length property is automatically increased. Example: Suppose that the array a has been created with: a = new Array("a", "b", "c") Then: a.length −> 3 a[100] = "bar"; a.length −> 101 You can also change the length of an array by setting its length property. a = new Array(); a[4] = "foo"; a[9] = "bar"; a.length −> 10 a.length = 5 a.length −> 5 a.length −> 5 a[4] −> "foo" a[9] −> null |
Syntax | Effect |
array.join( [ separator ] ) | Returns a string which contains the elements of the array converted to strings, concatenated together and separated with separator. If separator is omitted, it is taken to be ",". Elements which are not initialized are converted to the empty string. See also the string method split. Example: Suppose that the array a has been created with a = new Array("foo", 12, true) Then: a.join("//") −> "foo//12//true" a.join() −> "foo,12,true" |
array.sort( [ function ] ) | Sorts the array. The elements are sorted in place; no new array is created. If function is not provided, array is sorted lexicographically: Elements are compared by converting them to strings and using the <= operator. With this order, the number 20 would come before the number 5, since "20" < "5" is true. If function is supplied, the array is sorted according to the return value of this function. This function must take two arguments x and y and return: ![]() ![]() ![]() Example: Suppose that the function compareLength is defined as function compareLength(x, y) { if (x.length < y.length) return -1; else if (x.length == y.length) return 0; else return 1; } and that the array a has been created with: a = new Array("giraffe", "rat", "brontosaurus") Then a.sort() will reorder its elements as follows: "brontosaurus" "rat" "giraffe" while a.sort(compareLength) will reorder them as follows: "rat" "giraffe" "brontosaurus" |
array.reverse( ) | Transposes the elements of the array: The first element becomes the last, the second becomes the second to last, etc. The elements are reversed in place; no new array is created. Example: Suppose that the array a has been created with a = new Array("foo", 12, "hello", true, false) Then a.reverse() changes a so that: a[0] −> false a[1] −> true a[2] −> "hello" a[3] −> 12 a[4] −> "foo" |
array.toString( ) | Returns the string "[object Object]". |