Rogue Wave Views 5.6

Rogue Wave Views
Foundation Package API Reference Guide

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IlvPathDrawingData Member List

This is the complete list of members for IlvPathDrawingData, including all inherited members.

getAngle() const IlvPathSteppingData
getClip() const IlvPathDrawingData
getCurPath() const IlvPathSteppingData
getCurPosition() const IlvPathSteppingData
getCurSegment() const IlvPathSteppingData
getGraphicPath() const IlvPathSteppingData
getPort() const IlvPathDrawingData
getTransformedPaths() const IlvPathSteppingData
getTransformer() const IlvPathSteppingData
getUserArg() const IlvPathSteppingData
getUserStep() const IlvPathSteppingData
IlvPathDrawingData(IlUInt step, IlvGraphic *object)IlvPathDrawingData
IlvPathSteppingData(IlUInt userStep, IlAny userArg)IlvPathSteppingDataprotected
init(const IlvGraphicPath *gp, const IlvPointArray *transformed, const IlvTransformer *tr)IlvPathSteppingDatavirtual
initDraw(const IlvGraphicPath *gp, const IlvPointArray *transformed, IlvPort *port, const IlvTransformer *tr, const IlvRegion *reg)IlvPathDrawingData
setBackground(IlvColor *background)IlvPathDrawingDatavirtual
setForeground(IlvColor *foreground)IlvPathDrawingDatavirtual
setMode(IlvDrawMode mode)IlvPathDrawingDatavirtual
setPalette(IlvPalette *palette)IlvPathDrawingDatavirtual

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