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IliDbGantt Class Reference

Gadget Class. More...

#include <ilviews/dataccess/gadgets/dbgantt/dbgantt.h>

Inherits IlvGanttChartForm.

Public Member Functions

 IliDbGantt (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvRect &rect)
 This constructor initializes a Gantt chart can be connected to a set of data sources. More...
void addDisplayColumnName (const char *name)
 Adds a column name to the list of displayed columns. More...
void addErrorSink (IliErrorSink *sink, IliDbGanttWhichDs dsi)
 Adds an error sink. More...
IlvGraphiccreateDefaultBreak ()
 Returns a new break graphic object. More...
IlvGraphiccreateDefaultConstraint ()
 Returns a new constraint graphic object. More...
IlvGraphiccreateDefaultLoad ()
 Returns a new work-load-curve item graphic object. More...
IlvGraphiccreateDefaultPrecedence ()
 Returns a new precedence graphic object. More...
virtual IlvGraphiccreateResourcesModel ()
 Called to create the resources model object. More...
void enableDisplayFullName (IlBoolean)
 Enables or disables the full display of the name of the month or the name of the day of the week. More...
IlInt getActColumnIndex (IliDbGanttActCols typ) const
 Returns an activity column index. More...
const char * getActColumnName (IliDbGanttActCols typ) const
 Returns an activity column name. More...
IliDataSourcegetActDataSource () const
 Returns the activities data source. More...
const char * getActDataSourceName () const
 Returns the activities data source name. More...
IlvColorgetActivePeriodColor () const
 Returns the active period color. More...
IlInt getActivePeriodInfo (IliDateInfo info) const
 Returns the desired information about the current period. More...
IlvColorgetBreakColor () const
 Returns the break color. More...
IlInt getBrkColumnIndex (IliDbGanttBrkCols typ) const
 Returns a break column index. More...
const char * getBrkColumnName (IliDbGanttBrkCols typ) const
 Returns a break column name. More...
IliDataSourcegetBrkDataSource () const
 Returns the breaks data source. More...
const char * getBrkDataSourceName () const
 Returns the breaks data source name. More...
const IliDbGanttInfogetCallbackInformation () const
 Returns the information about the internal Gantt chart event. More...
IlInt getCntColumnIndex (IliDbGanttCntCols typ) const
 Returns a constraint column index. More...
const char * getCntColumnName (IliDbGanttCntCols typ) const
 Returns a constraint column name. More...
IliDataSourcegetCntDataSource () const
 Returns the constraints data source. More...
const char * getCntDataSourceName () const
 Returns the constraints data source name. More...
IlvColorgetDelimiterColor () const
 Returns the activity delimiter color. More...
IlInt getDisplayColumnCount () const
 Returns the displayed column count. More...
IlInt getDisplayColumnIndex (IlInt pos) const
 Returns a displayed column index. More...
const char * getDisplayColumnName (IlInt pos) const
 Returns a displayed column name. More...
IliErrorReportergetErrorReporter () const
 Returns the error reporter that is used by the reportErrors member function. More...
IliDbGanttCallback getGanttCallback (IliDbGanttCallbackName name) const
 Returns the callback associated with an internal Gantt chart event. More...
IlAny getGanttCallbackData (IliDbGanttCallbackName name) const
 Returns the user data associated with an internal Gantt chart event. More...
IlvColorgetInactivePeriodColor () const
 Returns the inactive period color. More...
IlInt getLoaColumnIndex (IliDbGanttLoaCols typ) const
 Returns a work-load-curve column index. More...
const char * getLoaColumnName (IliDbGanttLoaCols typ) const
 Returns a work-load-curve column name. More...
IliDataSourcegetLoaDataSource () const
 Returns the work-load-curve data source. More...
const char * getLoaDataSourceName () const
 Returns the work-load-curve data source name. More...
IlvColorgetLoadColor () const
 Returns the work-load-curve color. More...
IliDbGanttModelgetModel () const
 Returns The data model. More...
const char * getModelName () const
 Returns the data model name. More...
const char * getObjectNameDoubleClicked () const
 Returns the object name that has been double-clicked. More...
IlvColorgetPrecedenceColor () const
 Returns the default precedence color. More...
IlInt getPreColumnIndex (IliDbGanttPreCols typ) const
 Returns a precedence column index. More...
const char * getPreColumnName (IliDbGanttPreCols typ) const
 Returns a precedence column name. More...
IliDataSourcegetPreDataSource () const
 Returns the precedences data source. More...
const char * getPreDataSourceName () const
 Returns the precedences data source name. More...
IlInt getReferenceMonth () const
 Returns the reference month. More...
IlInt getReferenceYear () const
 Returns the reference year. More...
IlInt getResColumnIndex (IliDbGanttResCols typ) const
 Returns a resource column index. More...
const char * getResColumnName (IliDbGanttResCols typ) const
 Returns a resource column name. More...
IliDataSourcegetResDataSource () const
 Returns the resources data source. More...
const char * getResDataSourceName () const
 Returns the resources data source name. More...
IlInt getScaleNumericValue () const
 Returns the numeric value of the current step of the scale. More...
IliDbScaleType getScaleType () const
 Returns the scale type. More...
IliScaleUnit getScaleUnit () const
 Returns the scale unit. More...
virtual IlBoolean isActivePeriod (const IliDate &info)
 Returns IlTrue if the period is active. More...
IlBoolean isActivePeriodWithRules (const IliDate &info)
 Returns IlTrue if the period is active when you use the rules that have been defined with the inspector. More...
IlBoolean isDeletionEventPropagated () const
 Returns IlTrue if the option to propagate deletion events is enabled. More...
IlBoolean isDisplayFullNameEnabled () const
 Returns IlTrue if the full display is enabled. More...
IlBoolean isInteractionDataSourceToGantt () const
 Returns IlTrue if the option for interaction between data sources and Gantt chart is enabled. More...
IlBoolean isReadOnly () const
 Returns IlTrue if the Gantt chart is read-only. More...
IlBoolean isUpdateEventPropagated () const
 Returns IlTrue if the option to propagate update events is enabled. More...
virtual void onConstraintDoubleClicked ()
 Called when a constraint has been double-clicked.
virtual IlvGraphiconCreateBreak ()
 Called to create a new break graphic object. More...
virtual IlvGraphiconCreateConstraint ()
 Called to create a new constraint graphic object. More...
virtual IlvGraphiconCreateLoad ()
 Called to create a new work-load-curve item graphic object. More...
virtual IlvGraphiconCreatePrecedence ()
 Called to create a new precedence graphic object. More...
virtual void onDeleteBreak ()
 Called when a break is deleted.
virtual void onDeleteConstraint ()
 Called when a constraint is deleted.
virtual void onDeleteLoad ()
 Called when a work-load-curve item is deleted.
virtual void onDeletePrecedence ()
 Called when a precedence is deleted.
virtual void onPrecedenceDoubleClicked ()
 Called when a precedence has been double-clicked.
virtual IlvGraphiconReplaceBreak (IlvGraphic *old)
 Called to replace a break. More...
virtual IlvGraphiconReplaceConstraint (IlvGraphic *old)
 Called to replace a constraint. More...
virtual IlvGraphiconReplaceLoad (IlvGraphic *old)
 Called to replace a work-load-curve item. More...
virtual IlvGraphiconReplacePrecedence (IlvGraphic *old)
 Called to replace a precedence. More...
void propagateDeletionEvent (IlBoolean flag)
 Enables or disables the option to propagate deletion events. More...
void propagateUpdateEvent (IlBoolean flag)
 Enables or disables the option to propagate update events. More...
void refreshAll ()
 Refreshes the display of all Gantt chart objects.
void removeAllDisplayColumns ()
 Removes all columns displayed by the Gantt chart. More...
void removeErrorSink (IliErrorSink *sink, IliDbGanttWhichDs dsi)
 Removes an error sink from the Gantt chart. More...
void reportErrors (const IliErrorList &list) const
 Reports the errors that are contained in list. More...
void setActColumnName (IliDbGanttActCols typ, const char *name)
 Sets an activity column name. More...
void setActDataSource (IliDataSource *ds)
 Sets the activities data source. More...
void setActDataSourceName (const char *name)
 Sets the activities data source name. More...
void setActivePeriodColor (IlvColor *color)
 Sets the active period color. More...
void setBreakColor (IlvColor *color)
 Sets the break color. More...
void setBrkColumnName (IliDbGanttBrkCols typ, const char *)
 Sets a break column name. More...
void setBrkDataSource (IliDataSource *ds)
 Sets the breaks data source. More...
void setBrkDataSourceName (const char *name)
 Sets the breaks data source name. More...
void setCntColumnName (IliDbGanttCntCols typ, const char *name)
 Sets a constraint column name. More...
void setCntDataSource (IliDataSource *ds)
 Sets the constraints data source. More...
void setCntDataSourceName (const char *name)
 Sets the constraints data source name. More...
void setDelimiterColor (IlvColor *color)
 Sets the constraint delimiter color. More...
void setErrorReporter (IliErrorReporter *reporter)
 Sets the error reporter. More...
void setGanttCallback (IliDbGanttCallbackName name, IliDbGanttCallback cb, IlAny arg=0)
 Associates a callback with an internal Gantt chart event. More...
void setInactivePeriod ()
 Indicates that the current period is inactive.
void setInactivePeriodColor (IlvColor *color)
 Sets the inactive period color. More...
void setInteractionDataSourceToGantt (IlBoolean flag)
 Enables or disables the interaction between data sources and Gantt chart. More...
void setLoaColumnName (IliDbGanttLoaCols typ, const char *name)
 Sets the work-load-curve column name. More...
void setLoaDataSource (IliDataSource *ds)
 Sets the work-load-curve data source. More...
void setLoaDataSourceName (const char *name)
 Sets the work-load-curve data source name. More...
void setLoadColor (IlvColor *color)
 Sets the work-load-curve color. More...
void setModelName (const char *name)
 Sets the data model name. More...
void setPrecedenceColor (IlvColor *color)
 Sets the default precedence color. More...
void setPreColumnName (IliDbGanttPreCols typ, const char *name)
 Sets a precedence column name. More...
void setPreDataSource (IliDataSource *ds)
 Sets the precedences data source. More...
void setPreDataSourceName (const char *name)
 Sets the precedences data source name. More...
void setReadOnly (IlBoolean flag)
 Enables or disable the read-only option. More...
void setReferenceMonth (IlInt m)
 Sets the reference month. More...
void setReferenceYear (IlInt y)
 Sets the reference year. More...
void setResColumnName (IliDbGanttResCols typ, const char *name)
 Sets a resource column name. More...
void setResDataSource (IliDataSource *ds)
 Sets the resources data source. More...
void setResDataSourceName (const char *name)
 Sets the resources data source name. More...
void setScaleNumericLabel (const char *label)
 Sets the label of the current step of the scale. More...
void setScaleType (IliDbScaleType typ)
 Sets the scale type. More...
void setScaleUnit (IliScaleUnit unit)
 Sets the scale unit. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static IlSymbolConstraintDoubleClickedSymbol ()
 Returns the callback name for an event: a constraint double-clicked. More...
static IlvSymbolIsActivePeriodSymbol ()
 Returns the callback name that is called when the inactive periods are computed. More...
static IlSymbolPrecedenceDoubleClickedSymbol ()
 Returns the callback name for event: a precedence double-clicked. More...
static IlSymbolScaleNumericLabelSymbol ()
 Returns the callback name that is called to define the labels of the scale if the scale type is IliDbScaleTypeNumeric. More...


class IliDbGanttModel

Detailed Description

Gadget Class.

Library: dbgantt

The IliDbGantt class defines a Gantt chart connected to some data sources. The data of the Gantt chart are managed by a data model. Each data model has its data sources with its columns. There are two models:

The scales can range from 0 to n where n is an integer. You can use the functions for scales to change the display unit and the type of the scale. With the inspector, you can define rules to specify the inactive periods for all resources. You can also use the IsActivePeriod callback to indicate if a period is inactive. This callback is called when the scales are built.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IliDbGantt::IliDbGantt ( IlvDisplay display,
const IlvRect rect 

This constructor initializes a Gantt chart can be connected to a set of data sources.

displayThe display.
rectThe location.

Member Function Documentation

void IliDbGantt::addDisplayColumnName ( const char *  name)

Adds a column name to the list of displayed columns.

nameThe column name.
void IliDbGantt::addErrorSink ( IliErrorSink sink,
IliDbGanttWhichDs  dsi 

Adds an error sink.

All errors that occur on the Gantt chart will be forwarded to this error sink. Note that the Gantt chart will not delete the error sink at destruction time, so the same error sink can be safely shared by many Gantt charts.

sinkThe error sink.
dsiThe data source index.
static IlSymbol* IliDbGantt::ConstraintDoubleClickedSymbol ( )

Returns the callback name for an event: a constraint double-clicked.

The callback name for an event: a constraint double-clicked.
IlvGraphic* IliDbGantt::createDefaultBreak ( )

Returns a new break graphic object.

A new break graphic object.
IlvGraphic* IliDbGantt::createDefaultConstraint ( )

Returns a new constraint graphic object.

A new constraint graphic object.
IlvGraphic* IliDbGantt::createDefaultLoad ( )

Returns a new work-load-curve item graphic object.

A new work-load-curve item graphic object.
IlvGraphic* IliDbGantt::createDefaultPrecedence ( )

Returns a new precedence graphic object.

A new precedence graphic object.
virtual IlvGraphic* IliDbGantt::createResourcesModel ( )

Called to create the resources model object.

This object inherits from IlMatrix.

The created object.
void IliDbGantt::enableDisplayFullName ( IlBoolean  )

Enables or disables the full display of the name of the month or the name of the day of the week.

flagif IlTrue, the full display is enabled.
IlInt IliDbGantt::getActColumnIndex ( IliDbGanttActCols  typ) const

Returns an activity column index.

The default value is -1.

typThe column type.
The column index.
const char* IliDbGantt::getActColumnName ( IliDbGanttActCols  typ) const

Returns an activity column name.

The default value is an empty string.

typThe column type.
The column name.
IliDataSource* IliDbGantt::getActDataSource ( ) const

Returns the activities data source.

The default value is NULL.

The data source.
const char* IliDbGantt::getActDataSourceName ( ) const

Returns the activities data source name.

The default value is an empty string.

The data source name.
IlvColor* IliDbGantt::getActivePeriodColor ( ) const

Returns the active period color.

The default value is white.

The color.
IlInt IliDbGantt::getActivePeriodInfo ( IliDateInfo  info) const

Returns the desired information about the current period.

infoThe information name.
The desired information about the current period.
IlvColor* IliDbGantt::getBreakColor ( ) const

Returns the break color.

The default value is green.

The color.
IlInt IliDbGantt::getBrkColumnIndex ( IliDbGanttBrkCols  typ) const

Returns a break column index.

The default value is -1.

typThe column type.
The column index.
const char* IliDbGantt::getBrkColumnName ( IliDbGanttBrkCols  typ) const

Returns a break column name.

The default value is an empty string.

typThe column type.
The column name.
IliDataSource* IliDbGantt::getBrkDataSource ( ) const

Returns the breaks data source.

The default value is NULL.

The data source.
const char* IliDbGantt::getBrkDataSourceName ( ) const

Returns the breaks data source name.

The default value is an empty string.

The data source name.
const IliDbGanttInfo& IliDbGantt::getCallbackInformation ( ) const

Returns the information about the internal Gantt chart event.

The information about the internal Gantt chart event.
IlInt IliDbGantt::getCntColumnIndex ( IliDbGanttCntCols  typ) const

Returns a constraint column index.

The default value is -1.

typThe column type.
The column index.
const char* IliDbGantt::getCntColumnName ( IliDbGanttCntCols  typ) const

Returns a constraint column name.

The default value is an empty string.

typThe column type.
The column name.
IliDataSource* IliDbGantt::getCntDataSource ( ) const

Returns the constraints data source.

The default value is NULL.

The data source.
const char* IliDbGantt::getCntDataSourceName ( ) const

Returns the constraints data source name.

The default value is an empty string.

The data source name.
IlvColor* IliDbGantt::getDelimiterColor ( ) const

Returns the activity delimiter color.

The default value is red.

The color.
IlInt IliDbGantt::getDisplayColumnCount ( ) const

Returns the displayed column count.

The displayed column count.
IlInt IliDbGantt::getDisplayColumnIndex ( IlInt  pos) const

Returns a displayed column index.

The default value is -1.

posThe column position.
A displayed column index.
const char* IliDbGantt::getDisplayColumnName ( IlInt  pos) const

Returns a displayed column name.

The default value is an empty string.

posThe column position.
A displayed column name.
IliErrorReporter* IliDbGantt::getErrorReporter ( ) const

Returns the error reporter that is used by the reportErrors member function.

Initially, this property is NULL.

The error reporter that is used by the reportErrors member function. When this property is NULL, a default error reporter is used.
IliDbGanttCallback IliDbGantt::getGanttCallback ( IliDbGanttCallbackName  name) const

Returns the callback associated with an internal Gantt chart event.

nameThe callback name.
The callback associated with an internal Gantt chart event. The default value is NULL.
IlAny IliDbGantt::getGanttCallbackData ( IliDbGanttCallbackName  name) const

Returns the user data associated with an internal Gantt chart event.

nameThe callback name.
The user data associated with an internal Gantt chart event. The default value is NULL.
IlvColor* IliDbGantt::getInactivePeriodColor ( ) const

Returns the inactive period color.

The default value is gray.

The color.
IlInt IliDbGantt::getLoaColumnIndex ( IliDbGanttLoaCols  typ) const

Returns a work-load-curve column index.

The default value is -1.

typThe column type.
The column index.
const char* IliDbGantt::getLoaColumnName ( IliDbGanttLoaCols  typ) const

Returns a work-load-curve column name.

The default value is an empty string.

typThe column type.
The column name.
IliDataSource* IliDbGantt::getLoaDataSource ( ) const

Returns the work-load-curve data source.

The default value is NULL.

The data source.
const char* IliDbGantt::getLoaDataSourceName ( ) const

Returns the work-load-curve data source name.

The default value is an empty string.

The data source name.
IlvColor* IliDbGantt::getLoadColor ( ) const

Returns the work-load-curve color.

The default value is red.

The color.
IliDbGanttModel* IliDbGantt::getModel ( ) const

Returns The data model.

The model.
const char* IliDbGantt::getModelName ( ) const

Returns the data model name.

The model name.
const char* IliDbGantt::getObjectNameDoubleClicked ( ) const

Returns the object name that has been double-clicked.

The object name that has been double-clicked.
IlvColor* IliDbGantt::getPrecedenceColor ( ) const

Returns the default precedence color.

The default value is dark green.

The color.
IlInt IliDbGantt::getPreColumnIndex ( IliDbGanttPreCols  typ) const

Returns a precedence column index.

The default value is -1.

typThe column type.
The column index.
const char* IliDbGantt::getPreColumnName ( IliDbGanttPreCols  typ) const

Returns a precedence column name.

The default value is an empty string.

typThe column type.
The column name.
IliDataSource* IliDbGantt::getPreDataSource ( ) const

Returns the precedences data source.

The default value is NULL.

The data source.
const char* IliDbGantt::getPreDataSourceName ( ) const

Returns the precedences data source name.

The default value is an empty string.

The data source name.
IlInt IliDbGantt::getReferenceMonth ( ) const

Returns the reference month.

The default value is 1.

The reference month.
IlInt IliDbGantt::getReferenceYear ( ) const

Returns the reference year.

The default value is 1998.

The reference year.
IlInt IliDbGantt::getResColumnIndex ( IliDbGanttResCols  typ) const

Returns a resource column index.

The default value is -1.

typThe column type.
The column index.
const char* IliDbGantt::getResColumnName ( IliDbGanttResCols  typ) const

Returns a resource column name.

The default value is an empty string.

typThe column type.
The column name.
IliDataSource* IliDbGantt::getResDataSource ( ) const

Returns the resources data source.

The default value is NULL.

The data source.
const char* IliDbGantt::getResDataSourceName ( ) const

Returns the resources data source name.

The default value is an empty string.

The data source name.
IlInt IliDbGantt::getScaleNumericValue ( ) const

Returns the numeric value of the current step of the scale.

This function is used when a callback to define the labels of the numeric scale is added.

The numeric value of the current step of the scale.
IliDbScaleType IliDbGantt::getScaleType ( ) const

Returns the scale type.

The default value is IliDbScaleTypeDate.

The scale type.
IliScaleUnit IliDbGantt::getScaleUnit ( ) const

Returns the scale unit.

The default value is IliScaleUnitDay.

The scale unit.
virtual IlBoolean IliDbGantt::isActivePeriod ( const IliDate info)

Returns IlTrue if the period is active.

IlTrue if the period is active. If you have defined a callback, this function returns IlTrue if you do not call the setInactivePeriod function. Otherwise, it returns IlFalse.
static IlvSymbol* IliDbGantt::IsActivePeriodSymbol ( )

Returns the callback name that is called when the inactive periods are computed.

The callback name that is called when the inactive periods are computed.
IlBoolean IliDbGantt::isActivePeriodWithRules ( const IliDate info)

Returns IlTrue if the period is active when you use the rules that have been defined with the inspector.

infoThe period information.
IlTrue if the period is active when you use the rules that have been defined with the inspector.
IlBoolean IliDbGantt::isDeletionEventPropagated ( ) const

Returns IlTrue if the option to propagate deletion events is enabled.

The default value is IlTrue.

IlTrue if the option to propagate deletion events is enabled.
IlBoolean IliDbGantt::isDisplayFullNameEnabled ( ) const

Returns IlTrue if the full display is enabled.

The default value is IlTrue.

IlTrue if the full display is enabled.
IlBoolean IliDbGantt::isInteractionDataSourceToGantt ( ) const

Returns IlTrue if the option for interaction between data sources and Gantt chart is enabled.

The default value is IlTrue.

IlTrue if the option for interaction between data sources and Gantt chart is enabled.
IlBoolean IliDbGantt::isReadOnly ( ) const

Returns IlTrue if the Gantt chart is read-only.

The default value is IlFalse.

IlTrue if the Gantt chart is read-only.
IlBoolean IliDbGantt::isUpdateEventPropagated ( ) const

Returns IlTrue if the option to propagate update events is enabled.

The default value is IlTrue.

IlTrue if the option to propagate update events is enabled.
virtual IlvGraphic* IliDbGantt::onCreateBreak ( )

Called to create a new break graphic object.

The created object.
virtual IlvGraphic* IliDbGantt::onCreateConstraint ( )

Called to create a new constraint graphic object.

The created object.
virtual IlvGraphic* IliDbGantt::onCreateLoad ( )

Called to create a new work-load-curve item graphic object.

The created object.
virtual IlvGraphic* IliDbGantt::onCreatePrecedence ( )

Called to create a new precedence graphic object.

The created object.
virtual IlvGraphic* IliDbGantt::onReplaceBreak ( IlvGraphic old)

Called to replace a break.

By default this function returns a new object. You can return the previous object (by using the old parameter) if you subclass this class.

oldThe object which will be replaced.
A created object or a modified object.
virtual IlvGraphic* IliDbGantt::onReplaceConstraint ( IlvGraphic old)

Called to replace a constraint.

By default, this function returns a new object. You can return the previous object by using the old parameter if you subclass this class.

oldThe object which will be replaced.
A created object or a modified object.
virtual IlvGraphic* IliDbGantt::onReplaceLoad ( IlvGraphic old)

Called to replace a work-load-curve item.

By default, this function returns a new object. You can return the previous object by using the old parameter if you subclass this class.

oldThe object which will be replaced.
A created object or a modified object.
virtual IlvGraphic* IliDbGantt::onReplacePrecedence ( IlvGraphic old)

Called to replace a precedence.

By default this function returns a new object. You can return the previous object by using the old parameter if you subclass this class.

oldThe object which will be replaced.
A created object or a modified object.
static IlSymbol* IliDbGantt::PrecedenceDoubleClickedSymbol ( )

Returns the callback name for event: a precedence double-clicked.

The callback name for event: a precedence double-clicked.
void IliDbGantt::propagateDeletionEvent ( IlBoolean  flag)

Enables or disables the option to propagate deletion events.

flagIf IlTrue the propagate deletion events is enabled.
void IliDbGantt::propagateUpdateEvent ( IlBoolean  flag)

Enables or disables the option to propagate update events.

flagIf IlTrue the propagate update events is enabled.
void IliDbGantt::removeAllDisplayColumns ( )

Removes all columns displayed by the Gantt chart.

If you do not call the addDisplayColumnName member function before the next refresh, the displayed columns are not refreshed because the Gantt chart needs at least one column displayed for resources.

void IliDbGantt::removeErrorSink ( IliErrorSink sink,
IliDbGanttWhichDs  dsi 

Removes an error sink from the Gantt chart.

sinkThe error sink.
dsiThe data source index.
void IliDbGantt::reportErrors ( const IliErrorList list) const

Reports the errors that are contained in list.

This member function makes use of the error reporter returned by getErrorReporter, if it exists. Otherwise, it uses a default error reporter.

listThe error list.
static IlSymbol* IliDbGantt::ScaleNumericLabelSymbol ( )

Returns the callback name that is called to define the labels of the scale if the scale type is IliDbScaleTypeNumeric.

The callback name that is called to define the labels of the scale if the scale type is IliDbScaleTypeNumeric.
void IliDbGantt::setActColumnName ( IliDbGanttActCols  typ,
const char *  name 

Sets an activity column name.

typThe column type.
nameThe column name.
void IliDbGantt::setActDataSource ( IliDataSource ds)

Sets the activities data source.

dsThe data source.
void IliDbGantt::setActDataSourceName ( const char *  name)

Sets the activities data source name.

nameThe data source name.
void IliDbGantt::setActivePeriodColor ( IlvColor color)

Sets the active period color.

colorThe new color.
void IliDbGantt::setBreakColor ( IlvColor color)

Sets the break color.

colorThe new color.
void IliDbGantt::setBrkColumnName ( IliDbGanttBrkCols  typ,
const char *   

Sets a break column name.

typThe column type.
nameThe column name.
void IliDbGantt::setBrkDataSource ( IliDataSource ds)

Sets the breaks data source.

dsThe data source.
void IliDbGantt::setBrkDataSourceName ( const char *  name)

Sets the breaks data source name.

nameThe data source name.
void IliDbGantt::setCntColumnName ( IliDbGanttCntCols  typ,
const char *  name 

Sets a constraint column name.

typThe column type.
nameThe column name.
void IliDbGantt::setCntDataSource ( IliDataSource ds)

Sets the constraints data source.

dsThe data source.
void IliDbGantt::setCntDataSourceName ( const char *  name)

Sets the constraints data source name.

nameThe data source name.
void IliDbGantt::setDelimiterColor ( IlvColor color)

Sets the constraint delimiter color.

colorThe new color.
void IliDbGantt::setErrorReporter ( IliErrorReporter reporter)

Sets the error reporter.

Note that the Gantt chart will not delete the error reporter at destruction time, so the same error reporter can be safely shared by many Gantt charts.

reporterThe error reporter.
void IliDbGantt::setGanttCallback ( IliDbGanttCallbackName  name,
IliDbGanttCallback  cb,
IlAny  arg = 0 

Associates a callback with an internal Gantt chart event.

Associates a callback with an internal Gantt chart event. See IliDbGanttCallbackName for the event list.

nameThe callback name.
cbThe callback.
argThe user data.
void IliDbGantt::setInactivePeriodColor ( IlvColor color)

Sets the inactive period color.

colorThe new color.
void IliDbGantt::setInteractionDataSourceToGantt ( IlBoolean  flag)

Enables or disables the interaction between data sources and Gantt chart.

flagIf IlTrue the interaction between data sources and Gantt chart is enabled.
void IliDbGantt::setLoaColumnName ( IliDbGanttLoaCols  typ,
const char *  name 

Sets the work-load-curve column name.

typThe column type.
nameThe column name.
void IliDbGantt::setLoaDataSource ( IliDataSource ds)

Sets the work-load-curve data source.

dsThe data source.
void IliDbGantt::setLoaDataSourceName ( const char *  name)

Sets the work-load-curve data source name.

nameThe data source name.
void IliDbGantt::setLoadColor ( IlvColor color)

Sets the work-load-curve color.

colorThe new color.
void IliDbGantt::setModelName ( const char *  name)

Sets the data model name.

nameThe model name.
void IliDbGantt::setPrecedenceColor ( IlvColor color)

Sets the default precedence color.

colorThe new color.
void IliDbGantt::setPreColumnName ( IliDbGanttPreCols  typ,
const char *  name 

Sets a precedence column name.

typThe column type.
nameThe column name.
void IliDbGantt::setPreDataSource ( IliDataSource ds)

Sets the precedences data source.

dsThe data source.
void IliDbGantt::setPreDataSourceName ( const char *  name)

Sets the precedences data source name.

nameThe data source name.
void IliDbGantt::setReadOnly ( IlBoolean  flag)

Enables or disable the read-only option.

flagIf IlTrue, the Gantt chart is read-only.
void IliDbGantt::setReferenceMonth ( IlInt  m)

Sets the reference month.

mThe reference month.
void IliDbGantt::setReferenceYear ( IlInt  y)

Sets the reference year.

yThe reference year.
void IliDbGantt::setResColumnName ( IliDbGanttResCols  typ,
const char *  name 

Sets a resource column name.

typThe column type.
nameThe column name.
void IliDbGantt::setResDataSource ( IliDataSource ds)

Sets the resources data source.

dsThe data source.
void IliDbGantt::setResDataSourceName ( const char *  name)

Sets the resources data source name.

nameThe data source name.
void IliDbGantt::setScaleNumericLabel ( const char *  label)

Sets the label of the current step of the scale.

This function is used to define the labels of the scale if the scale type is IliDbScaleTypeNumeric.

labelThe label.
void IliDbGantt::setScaleType ( IliDbScaleType  typ)

Sets the scale type.

You must call the refreshAll member function to display the new scale.

typThe scale type.
void IliDbGantt::setScaleUnit ( IliScaleUnit  unit)

Sets the scale unit.

unitThe scale unit.

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