Additional Features > Creating the Control Window > Finishing the Control Window
Finishing the Control Window
For more practice, you can apply resources to the menu gadgets as described in the section Using Resources.
Note: You probably would not want to use the Fit to View... command, since the window will automatically take the size of the menu bar, which is too long for the number of menu items. See the section Setting the Size of the Window.
6. Attach the menu bar gadget to the window as described in the section Setting Attachments.
7. Change the background color of the window as described in the section Setting the Background of the Window.
Saving the Control Window
If you have not already saved the window, do so now by choosing Save As... from the File menu in the Main window. Give it the name control.ilv and save it in the directory in which you saved the .iva application file in the section Creating the Application File.
Adding the Control Window to the Application
Add the Control window to the employdb application by following the procedure described in the section Adding the Employee Window to the Application. Do not do steps 6 and 7 since you want the Control window to be visible when the application is launched.

Version 5.7
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