Rogue Wave Views Data Access Gadgets > Display Gadgets Reference > IliDbGantt > DbGantt Inspector Panel
DbGantt Inspector Panel
The IliDbGantt inspector has eleven notebook pages:
*Resources Page
*Model Page
*Scales Page
*Periods Page
*Properties Page
*General Page
*Callbacks Page
Resources Page
Data source
Menu: The names of current data sources.
Default: None.
Explanation: Name of the resources data source file to which the gantt is connected.
Identifier column
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains the resource identifier.
Height column
Menu: Integer column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains the resource height.
Name displayed
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains the first name to be displayed.
Others displayed
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: Lets you specify other column names
to be displayed.
Model Page
Menu: Full, light.
Default: Full.
Explanation: The model name of the data model.
Data source
Menu: Activities, Constraints, Precedences,
Breaks, Load. Activities is only available if
the selected model is Full.
Default: Activities.
Explanation: The datasource usages.
Activities Data Source Properties
Data source name
Menu: The name of the current data sources.
Default: None.
Explanation: Name of the activities data source
to which the gantt is to be connected.
Start min
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the activity start minimum value.
Start max
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the activity start maximum value.
End min
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the activity end minimum value.
End max
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the activity end maximum value.
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the activity identifier.
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the activity label.
Constraints Data Source Properties
Data source name
Menu: The name of the current data sources.
Default: None.
Explanation: Name of the constraints data source
to which the gantt is to be connected.
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the constraint.
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the resource identifier to which the constraint is linked.
Only available if the selected mode is Light.
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the constraint label.
Activity identifier
Only available if the selected model is Full.
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the activity identifier to which the constraint is linked.
Menu: Integer column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the constraint capacity.
Menu: String column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the foreground color for the costraint.
Menu: String column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the background color for the costraint.
Only available if the selected model is Light.
Menu: Integer column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the constraint start value.
Only available is the selected model is Light.
Menu: Integer column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: Name of the precedences data source
to which the gantt is to be connected.
Precedences Data Source Properties
Data source name
Menu: The names of the current data sources.
Default: None.
Explanation: Name of the precedences data source
to which the gantt is to be connected.
Source constraint
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the constraint identifier from which the precedences start.
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the constraint identifier to which the precedences go.
Menu: Integer column names of the selected data source.
Default: None
Explanation: The column name contains
the precedence type.
Menu: Integer column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the precedence delay.
Menu: String column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains the color of the precedence.
Breaks Data Source Properties
Data source name
Menu: The names of the current data sources.
Default: None.
Explanation: Name of the breaks data source
to which the gantt is to be connected.
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the break identifier.
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the resource identifier to which the break is linked.
Menu: Integer column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the value where the break starts, in relation to
the horizontal scale.
Menu: Integer column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the value where the break stops, in relation to
the horizontal scale.
Load Data Source Properties
Data source name
Menu: The names of the current data sources.
Default: None.
Explanation: Name of the load data source
to which the gantt is to be connected.
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the resource identifier to which the work load curve
is linked.
Menu: Integer column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the value where the work load curve starts.
Menu: Integer column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the value where the work load curve stops.
Menu: Integer column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the work load curve capacity.
Scales Page
Reference year
Menu: None.
Default: 1998.
Explanation: Reference year for the Gantt chart.
Reference month
Menu: The months of the year.
Default: January.
Explanation: Reference month for the Gantt chart.
Display full name
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: Yes.
Yes = Full display of the selected reference time period.
No = Short display of the selected reference time period.
Menu: Various date formats, for example:
Date with week days
Date by hour
Week days by 30 minutes
Hours and minutes
Default: Date.
Explanation: Type of scale.
Time unit
Menu: Various units of time in seconds, minutes,
hours, day or numeric.
Default: Day.
Explanation: Unit of the time scale.
Periods Page
Unit column
Menu: Month, Day, Weekday, Hour, Minute, Second,
Month and day, Hour and minute.
Default: None.
Explanation: Time unit for inactive period.
Test column
Menu: Equal, Not equal, Less, Greater, Include, Exclude.
Default: None.
Explanation: Test for inactive period.
Value 1 column
Menu: Depends on the selected unit. For example, if the selected unit is Day, the menu is Monday to Sunday; if the unit is Hour, the menu is 0 to 23.
Default: None.
Explanation: Value of the inactive period.
Value 2, Value 3,
Value 4 columns
Menu: Depends on the selected unit and test.
Default: None.
Explanation: Value of the inactive period.
Ignore = There is no use for the test.
Properties Page
deletion event
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: Yes
Explanation: A deletion event in a data source deletes
corresponding events in other data sources.
Propagate update
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: Yes.
Explanation: An update event in a data source updates
corresponding events in other data sources.
Read only
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: No.
Explanation: Yes: the Gantt chart cannot be edited: the
constraints cannot be moved.
No: The Gantt chart can be edited:
the constraints can be moved.
Interaction data
source to gantt
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: Yes.
Explanation: Gantt chart is updated or not when the data source is updated or modified.
Delimiter color
Menu: None. Click the button to open the Color Selector Dialog Box.
Default: red.
Explanation: Delimiter color of the constraint.
precedence color
Menu: None. Click the button to open the Color Selector Dialog Box.
Default: darkgreen.
Explanation: Default color used for precedences if not specified in the precedences data source.
Break color
Menu: None. Click the button to open the Color Selector Dialog Box.
Default: green.
Explanation: The color used for the breaks.
Work load curve
Menu: None. Click the button to open the Color Selector Dialog Box.
Default: red.
Explanation: The color used for the work load curves.
Inactive period
Menu: None. Click the button to open the Color Selector Dialog Box.
Default: gray.
Explanation: Color for the inactive periods in the Gantt chart.
Active period
Menu: None. Click the button to open the Color Selector Dialog Box.
Default: white.
Explanation: Color for the active periods in the Gantt chart.
General Page
For a description of this notebook page, refer to the section General Notebook Page.
Callbacks Page
In addition to the callbacks described in the section Callbacks Notebook Page, this inspector uses the callbacks listed below, which are described in the Rogue Wave Views Data Access Reference Manual IliDbGantt section.

Version 5.7
Copyright © 2013, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.