Rogue Wave Views Data Access Gadgets > Display Gadgets Reference > IliDbTreeGadget > DbTreeGadget Inspector Panel
DbTreeGadget Inspector Panel
The IliDbTreeGadget inspector has six notebook pages:
*Data Source Page
*Properties Page
*General Page
*Specific Page
*Scrollbars Page
*Callbacks Page
Data Source Page
Menu: Structural, Recursive.
Default: Structural.
Explanation: Model of the tree gadget.
Data Source
Menu: Names of current data sources.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Name of the data source to which
the tree gadget is to be connected.
Identifier column
Menu: Column names of the data source
selected in the DataSource field.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Column in the data source
containing the child identifier.
Label column
Menu: Column names of the data source
selected in the DataSource field.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Column in the data source
containing the child label.
Parent column
Menu: Column names of the data source
selected in the Data Source field.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Column in the data source
containing the value for parents.
Bitmap column
Menu: Column names of the data source
selected in the Data Source field.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Column containing the file name of the picture.
Format column
Menu: List of predefined system and user formats.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Format to be applied to the label in
the tree gadget, if a label exists, or to the value
if no label exists.
Properties Page
Enable items
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: No.
Explanation: Enable or disable items deletion.
Enable recursive
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: No.
Explanation: Enable or disable recursive deletion.
Yes: When a parent is deleted, its child
is also deleted.
No: A parent will not be deleted if it has
one or more children.
Confirm deletes
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: No.
Explanation: Enable or disable message
to ask confirmation of a deletion.
Enable items
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: No.
Explanation: Enable or disable items insertion.
Enable items
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: No.
Explanation: Enable or disable items edition.
Use item dialog
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: Yes
Explanation: Enable or disable item dialog box.
Dialog Model
Menu: Data Access.
Default: Data Access.
Explanation: Model of the dialog box.
Use item popup
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: No.
Explanation: Enable or disable item popup menu
which appears when clicking the desired item
and then the mouse right button.
Popup menu
Menu: Data Access.
Default: Data Access.
Explanation: Model of the popup menu.
Sort items
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: Yes.
Explanation: Enable or disable items sorting.
General Page
For a description of this notebook page, refer to the section General Notebook Page.
Specific Page
Show lines
Check box.
Default: Checked.
Checked = Lines connecting elements in
the tree are shown.
Not checked = Lines are not shown.
Lines as root
Check box.
Default: Checked.
Checked = Lines connect roots.
Not checked = Lines do not connect roots.
Show button
Check box.
Default: Checked.
Checked = Shows the buttons that indicate
whether the tree is expanded.
Not checked = The button is not shown.
Link roots
Check box.
Default: Checked.
Checked = A line links the roots.
Not checked = The roots are not visibly linked.
Tool tips
Check box.
Default: Checked.
Checked = Displays tooltips if the item length is
larger than the gadget width.
Not checked = There are no tooltips.
Visible label
Check box.
Default: Checked.
Checked = The labels are visible.
Not checked = The labels are not visible.
Check box.
Default: Checked.
Checked = The images showing roots and nodes
are visible.
Not checked = The images are not visible.
Menu: None.
Default: 20.
Explanation: Distance of roots and nodes from
the left of the tree.
Menu: None. Available positions are indicated
by graphic.
Default: Right.
Explanation: Gives the position of the label
relative to the image.
Shows how the tree looks as you change the options
in the Appearance column.
Selection mode
Menu: Single selection, Extended selection.
Default: Single selection.
Single = Only one item in the tree can be selected.
Extended = More than one item can be selected.
Items editable
Not available.
Drag and drop
Check box.
Default: Checked.
Explanation: Determines whether items can be dragged and dropped.
Scrollbars Page
scroll bar
Menu: Show, Hide, As Needed.
Default: As Needed.
Show = The field has a vertical scroll bar.
Hide = The field does not have a vertical scroll bar.
As Needed = Vertical scroll bar if needed.
Check box.
Default: Not checked.
Checked = The vertical scroll bar is on the left side
of the gadget.
Not checked = The vertical scroll bar is on
the right side of the gadget.
Horizontal scroll
Menu: Show, Hide, As Needed.
Default: As Needed.
Show = The field has a horizontal scroll bar.
Hide = The field does not have a horizontal scroll bar.
As Needed = Horizontal scroll bar if needed.
Check box.
Default: Not checked.
Checked = The horizontal scroll bar
is above the gadget.
Not checked = The horizontal scroll bar
is below the gadget.
Menu: None.
Default: 0.
Explanation: Allows you to type the value of the left, right, top, and bottom margins.
Show Frame
Check box.
Default: Checked.
Explanation: Determines whether frames are visible.
Callbacks Page
In addition to the Generic and Secondary callbacks described in the section Callbacks Notebook Page, this inspector uses the callbacks listed below. The callbacks IncoherentTreeData, DeleteItem, InsertChildItem, InsertSiblingItem and EditItem are described in the Rogue Wave Views Data Access Reference Manual IliTreeGadget section.
*ScrollBar Moved
*ScrollBar Visibility Changed
*Item Selected
*Item Expanded
*Item Shrinked
*Start Edit Item
*Abort Edit Item
*End Edit Item
*Start Drag Item
*Item Dragged
*End Drag Item
*Abort Drag Item

Version 5.7
Copyright © 2013, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.