Using the Gantt Chart Through Examples > Registering Gantt Data Change Hooks > Registering Name Property Hooks
Registering Name Property Hooks
After have defined the hook function, it must be registered before being called by the Gantt chart object. The registration is based on the Rogue Wave® Views class property feature, in which a property is registered at the class level.
In the Gantt library, the key for allowing the property value to be retrieved is an IlvSymbol defined in the IlvGanttChart class:
IlvSymbol* IlvGanttChart::nameProperty() const;
where IlvSymbol is defined as GanttName. Here is an example of registering the hook function we defined above. You can find this function in <ILVHOME>/samples/gantt/common/src/utils.cpp:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RegisterGanttNameProperty(IlvGraphic* graphic)
// Test if the Gantt name property is added to the IlvGraphic.
IlvGanttSetGraphicName function =
(graphic->getClassProperty(IlvGanttChart::nameProperty(), IlTrue));
if (function)
graphic->AddProperty(IlvGanttChart::nameProperty(), (IlAny)

Version 5.7
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