Using the Gantt Chart Through Examples
Using the Gantt Chart Through Examples
In this chapter, we show how to use the Gantt package through concrete examples. C++ sources code is provided to show how to use the API of the Gantt package.
The following sections provide comments on the sample files provided in the <ILVHOME>/samples/gantt/load and <ILVHOME>/samples/gantt/month directories.
To simplify the use of this sample, only the main header and source files will be considered:
*include/month.h, src/month.cpp
The month files (found in the <ILVHOME>/samples/gantt/month directory) define the main user interface. The top-level window is a subtype of IlvGadgetContainer.
*include/loadgantt.h, src/loadgantt.cpp
The loadgantt files (found in the <ILVHOME>/samples/gantt/load directory) are the description of the LoadGanttChart class, which is the intermediate class between the IlvGanttChart superclass and the MonthGanttChart class described in this section.
*include/monthgantt.h, src/monthgantt.cpp
The monthgantt files (found in the <ILVHOME>/samples/gantt/month directory) contain the definition and the declaration of the MonthGanttChart class, a subclass of the IlvGanttChart class.
This example shows some functionalities of the IlvGanttChart class. It covers the following topics:
*The Entry Point of the Sample
*Subclassing IlvGanttChart
*Customizing Gantt Scales
*Modifying the Start and End Times
*Automatically Updating Scales
*Customizing Gantt Chart Grids
*Defining Graphic Models for Lines and Nodes
*Defining a Graphic Model for Links
*Registering Gantt Data Change Hooks
*Using the Handle

Version 5.7
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