Rogue Wave Views 5.6

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IlvTestApi Class Reference

Test API class. More...

#include <ilviews/test/api.h>

Inheritance diagram for IlvTestApi:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void callbackNotify (IlvGraphic *obj, const IlSymbol *callBacktype, IlAny clientData, const IlSymbol *callbackName=0)
 Allows the notification of the occurrence of a callback on an IlvGraphic object.
virtual void callbackNotifyEnd (IlvGraphic *obj, const IlSymbol *callBacktype)
 Called after a callback is called.
virtual void callbackNotifyStart (IlvGraphic *obj, const IlSymbol *callBacktype)
 Called before a callback is called.
const IlSymbolgetCurrentCallbackType () const
 Returns the current callback type, inside the scope of a call to a callback.

Static Public Member Functions

static const IlvDisplay *const * GetAllDisplays (IlUInt &count)
 Returns an array of pointers of IlvDisplay used in the application.
static const char *const * GetObjectCallbackTypesList (const IlvGraphic *obj, IlUInt &count)
 Returns an array of strings which are the internal names of the callback types associated with the graphical object.
static IlvGraphic *const * GetObjects (const IlvGraphic *complexGraphic, IlUInt &count)
 Returns an array of pointers to the IlvGaphic objects visible (in a Rogue Wave Views sense) in a complex object such as an IlvGraphicSet.
static IlvGraphic *const * GetObjects (const IlvView *ownerView, IlUInt &count)
 Returns an array of pointers to the IlvGaphic objects visible (in a Rogue Wave Views sense) in a view.
static void HighLight (IlvView *view, IlvPos x, IlvPos y, IlvDim width, IlvDim height, IlvDisplay *display=0)
 Allows you to highlight a rectangular area in a view.
static IlBoolean IsObjectVisible (const IlvGraphic *object, const IlvView *view, IlvRect &visibleRegion)
 Returns the visibility of the object in a view.
static void ObjCoordinatesInTopWindow (const IlvGraphic *object, const IlvView *ownerView, IlvRect &rect)
 Gets the geometry of an IlvGraphic object.
static IlvView *const * TopLevelWinNumber (IlUInt &nb_win, IlvDisplay *display=0)
 Returns an array of pointers to the top-level views in the current application.
static const IlvViewUnderPointer (IlvGraphic *&object, IlvDisplay *display=0)
 Returns the IlvView and the IlvGraphic under the mouse pointer.

Detailed Description

Test API class.

Library: display

The IlvTestApi class is the main class in the set of classes used to manage the GUI test tools integration. This class contains both static functions and input event virtual member implement specific operations on these events.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void IlvTestApi::callbackNotify ( IlvGraphic obj,
const IlSymbol callBacktype,
IlAny  clientData,
const IlSymbol callbackName = 0 
) [virtual]

Allows the notification of the occurrence of a callback on an IlvGraphic object.

The default implementation does nothing.

obj The IlvGraphic object for which a callback is called.
callBacktype The type of the callback that has been most recently called.
clientData The user-function callback parameter, if it exists, or null if it odes not exist.
callbackName The name of the user function callback name registered with the function pointer, if the callback function has been registered with the IlvContainer::registerCallback or IlvManager::registerCallback member functions, otherwise it is null.
virtual void IlvTestApi::callbackNotifyEnd ( IlvGraphic obj,
const IlSymbol callBacktype 
) [virtual]

Called after a callback is called.

The default implementation does nothing.

obj The current IlvGraphic activated object.
callBacktype The type of the current callback.
virtual void IlvTestApi::callbackNotifyStart ( IlvGraphic obj,
const IlSymbol callBacktype 
) [virtual]

Called before a callback is called.

The default implementation does nothing.

obj The current IlvGraphic activated object.
callBacktype The type of the current callback.
static const IlvDisplay* const* IlvTestApi::GetAllDisplays ( IlUInt count  )  [static]

Returns an array of pointers of IlvDisplay used in the application.

count Is set to the number of IlvDisplay returned in the array.
An array of pointers of IlvDisplay used in the application.

The array is stored in an IlPoolOf(Pointer) and should not be deleted or modified.

const IlSymbol* IlvTestApi::getCurrentCallbackType (  )  const

Returns the current callback type, inside the scope of a call to a callback.

The current callback type, inside the scope of a call to a callback, otherwise it returns null.
static const char* const* IlvTestApi::GetObjectCallbackTypesList ( const IlvGraphic obj,
IlUInt count 
) [static]

Returns an array of strings which are the internal names of the callback types associated with the graphical object.

For example, most of the gadgets have the Focus In callback set. Focus In is the external name. __ilvFocusIn is the constant internal name.

obj The object for which we get names of the callback types.
count Is set to the number of strings in the array.
An array of strings which are the internal names of the callback types associated with the graphical object.

The array is stored in an IlPoolOf(Pointer) and should not be deleted or modified.

static IlvGraphic* const* IlvTestApi::GetObjects ( const IlvGraphic complexGraphic,
IlUInt count 
) [static]

Returns an array of pointers to the IlvGaphic objects visible (in a Rogue Wave Views sense) in a complex object such as an IlvGraphicSet.

complexGraphic The complex object for which we get the visible objects.
count The number of objects returned in the array.
An array of pointers to the IlvGaphic objects visible (in a Rogue Wave Views sense) in the complex object.

The array is stored in an IlPoolOf(Pointer) and should not be deleted or modified.

static IlvGraphic* const* IlvTestApi::GetObjects ( const IlvView ownerView,
IlUInt count 
) [static]

Returns an array of pointers to the IlvGaphic objects visible (in a Rogue Wave Views sense) in a view.

ownerView The view for which we get the visible objects.
count The number of objects returned in the array.
An array of pointers to the IlvGaphic objects visible (in a Rogue Wave Views sense) in a view.

The array is stored in an IlPoolOf(Pointer) and should not be deleted or modified.

static void IlvTestApi::HighLight ( IlvView view,
IlvPos  x,
IlvPos  y,
IlvDim  width,
IlvDim  height,
IlvDisplay display = 0 
) [static]

Allows you to highlight a rectangular area in a view.

The highlight is done by drawing in XOR mode a rectangle.

x The x coordinate of the area to highlight.
y The y coordinate of the area to highlight.
width The width of the area to highlight.
height The height of the area to highlight.
display The display. Useful for multidisplay applications. By default, when the value is 0, the first created display, the default one, is used.
static IlBoolean IlvTestApi::IsObjectVisible ( const IlvGraphic object,
const IlvView view,
IlvRect visibleRegion 
) [static]

Returns the visibility of the object in a view.

Note: This member function assumes that the owner top-level view is in front of the others.

object The object of which the visibility is tested.
view The view for which the visibility of the object is tested.
visibleRegion The visible size, relative to the upper left corner of the top-level window is returned in this parameter.
IlTrue when the object is visible in the view, IlFalse otherwise.
static void IlvTestApi::ObjCoordinatesInTopWindow ( const IlvGraphic object,
const IlvView ownerView,
IlvRect rect 
) [static]

Gets the geometry of an IlvGraphic object.

The coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the top-level view whose ownerView is a child.

object The object for which the geometry is computed.
ownerView A view whose the top-level parent is used to compute the coordinates relatively to its upper left corner.
rect Is set with the position and size of the object.
static IlvView* const* IlvTestApi::TopLevelWinNumber ( IlUInt nb_win,
IlvDisplay display = 0 
) [static]

Returns an array of pointers to the top-level views in the current application.

nb_win Is set to the number of objects in the array.
display Should be set if the application is multidisplay. If it is null, then the default display is used, that is, the first created.
An array of pointers to the top-level views in the current application.

The array is stored in an IlPoolOf(Pointer) and should not be deleted or modified.

static const IlvView* IlvTestApi::UnderPointer ( IlvGraphic *&  object,
IlvDisplay display = 0 
) [static]

Returns the IlvView and the IlvGraphic under the mouse pointer.

object Is set to the IlvGraphic under the mouse pointer.
display The display. Useful for multidisplay applications. By default, when the value is 0, the first created display, the default one, is used.
A pointer to the IlvView object that is under the mouse pointer.
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