Rogue Wave Views 5.6

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action.h File Reference

#include <ilviews/ilv.h>
#include <ilviews/base/memory.h>
#include <ilviews/base/iostream.h>
#include <ilviews/base/array.h>
#include <ilviews/base/string.h>
#include <ilviews/base/smartptr.h>
#include <ilviews/base/observer.h>
#include <ilviews/base/clssinfo.h>
#include <ilviews/base/value.h>


class  IlvAction
 Object class encapsulating the interpretation of an action of the user in a given context. Similar in principle to callbacks, with added features. More...
class  IlvActionFlags
 Flags indicating the properties of an IlvAction object. More...
class  IlvActionHistory
 A repository of user actions. More...
class  IlvActionMessage
 Notification message sent to observers of IlvActionHistory objects. More...
class  IlvActionSelectionHandler
 Links an IlvActionHistory object to its context. More...


#define IlvActionDeclareMembers()
#define IlvDefineAbstractActionClass(classname, superclass)
#define IlvDefineActionClass(classname, superclass)
#define IlvRepeatableActionDeclareMembers(classname)


enum  IlvActionMessageType {
  addmsg, destroymsg, purgemsg, repeatmsg,
  undomsg, redomsg, othermsg

Detailed Description

[library views ilviews/base/action.h] Declaration of the IlvAction and IlvActionHistory classes, two base classes for handling the history of user actions.

Define Documentation

#define IlvActionDeclareMembers (  ) 

Declare metaclass information for IlvAction objects. This macro should be used inside the class declaration:

 class MyAction
 : public IlvAction {
     .. other declarations ...
#define IlvDefineAbstractActionClass ( classname,
superclass   ) 

This macro should be used in implementation files to define the default members for action classes that cannot be instantiated without default arguments. That is, their main constructors require explicit parameters.

#define IlvDefineActionClass ( classname,
superclass   ) 

This macro should be used in implementation files to define the default members for action classes that can be instantiated with no default arguments.

#define IlvRepeatableActionDeclareMembers ( classname   ) 

This macro declares the duplicate method and the copy constructor, making it possible for an action to be repeated. The copy constructor must be implemented in the classes where this macro is used.

 class MyAction
 : public IlvAction {

Enumeration Type Documentation

Instances of IlvActionHistory can notify IlvObserver objects of actions executed by the user. This enumeration defines all the types of messages that an IlvActionHistory object can send to its observers.

See also:
IlvActionMessage, IlvActionHistory.

An action performed by the user has been added to the action history.


The action history is about to delete one action.


The action history is about to purge its action queue.


An action has just been repeated.


A command has just been undone.


A command has just been redone.


Any other message that the action history or its subclasses can generate.

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