Rogue Wave Views 5.6

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errcodes.h File Reference

#include <ilviews/ilv.h>
#include <ilviews/dataccess/module.h>
#include <ilviews/dataccess/string.h>


enum  IliErrorCodeTag {
  Ili_UndefinedError, Ili_UnexpectedError, Ili_FunctionCallSequenceError, Ili_IncorrectValueError,
  Ili_TableIsReadOnlyError, Ili_DuplicateRowError, Ili_NullColumnError, Ili_ColumnLengthError,
  Ili_InvalidRowNumber, Ili_InvalidTableBuffer, Ili_IncorrectTableAlias, Ili_InvalidParameterType,
  Ili_UndefinedQuery, Ili_RowsCountLimitExceeded, Ili_ColumnTypeMismatch, Ili_ColumnNotInQuery,
  Ili_FetchPendingError, Ili_SQLRowNotFoundError, Ili_SQLRowChangedSinceFetch, Ili_UndefinedSQLSessionError,
  Ili_CannotAllocateSQLCursorError, Ili_GroupedQueryIsReadOnlyError, Ili_NotAllColumnsAreUpdatableError, Ili_DatabaseRowIsNotUniqueUpdateError,
  Ili_DatabaseRowIsNotUniqueSelectError, Ili_OperationNotSupportedInQueryMode, Ili_AlreadyConnectedError, Ili_NotConnectedError,
  Ili_SQLSessionNotInAsyncMode, Ili_SQLSessionInAsyncMode, Ili_TableWithoutColumnsError, Ili_TableWithoutNameError,
  Ili_ColumnWithoutNameError, Ili_ColumnWithoutTypeError

This enumerated type defines the error codes.


Detailed Description

[library dataccess ilviews/dataccess/errcodes.h] Declarations about error codes

Enumeration Type Documentation

This enumerated type defines the error codes.


The error does not have a specific error code. The descriptive text that comes with the error message should provide more information.


An unexpected error has occurred.


Indicates a function call sequence error.


Indicates that the user input is not compatible with the type of the expected value. This error code can be raised by gadgets such as the table gadget or the data source.


Indicates that an update (or insert or delete) operation has been requested for a read-only table object.


Indicates that an update (or insert) operation that would violate the primary key constraint if honored has been requested for a table object.


Indicates that an update (or insert) operation that would violate a not-null constraint if honored has been requested for a table object.


Indicates that an update (or insert) operation that would violate a maximum column length constraint if honored has been requested for a table object.


Indicates an attempt to access a nonexistent row in a table object.


Indicates that the table buffer used in a call to a insertRow or updateRow member function is not valid.


Indicates an attempt to define, in an SQL table, a column based on a nonexistent table. This error code can only be raised by an SQL Data Source inspector.


Indicates that the data type of a parameter is missing. This error code can only be raised by an SQL Data Source inspector.


Indicates that a select operation has been requested for an SQL table object that does not have an SQL query defined.


Indicates that the row count limit of an SQL table has been reached, although there are still more rows to be fetched from the database server.


Indicates that the data type of a column retrieved by an SQL SELECT statement is different from the type of the column as it is defined in an SQL table.


Indicates that a column defined in an SQL table is missing from the set of columns retrieved by the SQL SELECT statement of the query.


Indicates an attempt to submit an update (or insert or delete) operation for an SQL table while there are still some rows left to be fetched from the database server. This error only occurs when the SQL table is in auto-commit mode.


Indicates that an attempt to submit an update (or delete) operation on an SQL table failed because the row to be updated (or deleted) could not be located in the database.


Indicates that an attempt to submit an update (or delete) operation on an SQL table failed because the SQL table has concurrency control enabled and the row to be updated (or deleted) has changed in the database since it was last fetched.


Indicates that an SQL table could not operate because its SQL session was not defined.


Indicates that an SQL table could not operate because its SQL session could not allocate more cursors.


Indicates that an attempt to submit an update (or insert or delete) operation on an SQL table failed because the SQL SELECT statement of the SQL table contains a GROUP BY clause or selects aggregate functions such as SUM() or COUNT().


Indicates that an attempt to submit an update (or insert) operation on an SQL table failed, because some of the columns involved in this operation did not belong to the updatable table of the SQL table.


Indicates that an attempt to submit an update (or delete) operation on an SQL table failed, because more than one database row matched the criteria identifying the row to be operated on. This may occur if some of the columns that belong to the primary key of the updatable table are not included in the SQL table.


Indicates a failed attempt by an SQL table to retrieve a row because more than one database row matched the criteria identifying the row to be retrieved. This may occur if some of the columns that belong to the primary key of the updatable table are not included in the SQL table.


Indicates that the operation is not supported in Query mode.


Indicates an attempt to connect an SQL Session while the session is already active.


Indicates an attempt to operate on an SQL Session that is not active.


Indicates that the SQL Session is not in asynchronous mode.


Indicates that the SQL Session is in asynchronous mode.


Indicates an attempt to generate the SQL CREATE TABLE statement for an SQL table definition object when no columns have been defined.


Indicates an attempt to generate the SQL CREATE TABLE statement for an SQL table definition object when the name of the table is undefined.


Indicates an attempt to generate the SQL CREATE TABLE statement for an SQL table definition object when a column does not have a name.


Indicates an attempt to generate the SQL CREATE TABLE statement for an SQL table definition object when a column does not have a type.

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