Rogue Wave Views Data Access Gadgets > Display Gadgets Reference > IliDbGrapher > DbGrapher Inspector Panel
DbGrapher Inspector Panel
The IliDbGrapher inspector has six notebook pages:
*Nodes Page
*Links Page
*Properties Page
*Events Page
*General Page
*Callbacks Page
Nodes Page
Data source
Menu: The names of current data sources.
Default: None.
Explanation: Name of the node data source to which the grapher is to be connected.
X position
Menu: Numeric column names of the selected
data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains the values
for the x axis.
Y position
Menu: Numeric column names of the selected
data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains the values
for the y axis.
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the nodes identifier.
Menu: String column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains the nodes label.
Menu: String column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains the nodes bitmap.
Menu: String column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains the nodes foreground color.
Menu: String column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains the nodes background color.
Links Page
Data source
Menu: The names of current data sources.
Default: None.
Explanation: Name of the data source to which
the grapher is to be connected.
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains the node
from which the links start.
Menu: Column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains the node
to which the links go.
Menu: String column names of the selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains the links color.
Menu: Numeric column names of the
selected data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name contains
the links type (from 0 through 6).
Menu: Boolean column names of the selected
data source.
Default: None.
Explanation: The column name indicates
whether the links are oriented.
Properties Page
Menu: None.
Button: Click to open the File Chooser Dialog Box.
Default: None.
Explanation: The picture to be placed as the grapher background.
Default node
Menu: None.
Button: Click to open the File Chooser Dialog Box.
Default: None.
Explanation: The default bitmap used for
the nodes if not specified in the nodes data source.
Default node
Menu: None.
Button: Click to open the Color Chooser Dialog Box.
Default: black.
Explanation: The default foreground color used
for the nodes if not specified in the nodes data source.
Default node
Menu: None.
Button: Click to open the Color Chooser Dialog Box.
Default: white.
Explanation: The default background color used
for the nodes if not specified in the nodes data source.
Show node name
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: Yes.
Explanation: Enable or disable node name displaying.
Default link type
Menu: List of available link types.
Default: Straight line.
Explanation: The default link type used if not specified
in the links data source.
Default link color
Menu: None.
Button: Click to open the Color Chooser Dialog Box.
Default: blue.
Explanation: The default link color used if not specified
in the links data source.
Default link
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: No.
Explanation: Enable or disable the default link orientation.
Yes: The links are oriented if not specified in
the links data source. No: The links are oriented or not
as specified in the links data source.
Events Page
Propagate node
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: Yes.
Explanation: When a node is deleted, all its links are also deleted.
Propagate node
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: Yes.
Explanation: When a node is renamed, the links data source is updated with the new name.
Supports out of
order events
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: No.
Explanation: If a link is created before its node(s), it will be displayed on the grapher as soon as the node(s) is (are) created.
Read only
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: No.
No = The grapher can be edited: the nodes can be moved.
Yes = The grapher cannot be edited:
the nodes cannot be moved.
General Page
For a description of this notebook page, refer to the section General Notebook Page.
Callbacks Page
In addition to the Generic and Secondary callbacks described in the section Callbacks Notebook Page, this inspector uses the callbacks listed below, which are described in the IliDbGrapher section of the Rogue Wave Views Data Access Reference Manual.

Version 5.6
Copyright © 2012, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.