Rogue Wave Views Data Access Gadgets > Display Gadgets Reference > IliDbToggle > DbToggle Inspector Panel
DbToggle Inspector Panel
The IliDbToggle inspector has five notebook pages:
*Data Source Page
*Mapping Page
*General Page
*Specific Page
*Callbacks Page
Data Source Page
Data source
Menu: Names of current data sources.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Name of the data source to which
the DbToggle is to be connected.
Menu: Column names of the data source selected in
the Data source field.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Column of the data source table to which
the gadget is to be connected.
Use property
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: Yes.
Yes = The DbToggle gadget uses a property manager.
No = The DbToggle gadget does not use
a property manager.
Mapping Page
Foreign data
Menu: Names of foreign data sources.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Data source containing the columns
to which the values for the current column are to be mapped
so as to convert the value to another value and display it.
Foreign value
Menu: Column names of the data source selected in
the Foreign data source field.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Column in the foreign data source
containing the value to which the current column is to be mapped.
Foreign display
Menu: Column names of the data source selected in
the Foreign data source field.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Column in the foreign data source
containing the value to be displayed when
the column specified in the Foreign value column row
is referred to.
General Page
For a description of this notebook page, refer to the section General Notebook Page.
Specific Page
Menu: None.
Default: DbToggle.
Explanation: The text for the label placed next to
the toggle gadget.
Menu: None.
Button: Click to open the Open dialog box.
Default: No default.
Explanation: The bitmap image to be placed as
the label next to the toggle gadget.
Menu: Left, Right.
Default: Right.
Explanation: Position of the label relative to
the toggle gadget.
Menu: None.
Default: 13.
Explanation: The width or height of the state marker.
Menu: Radio, CheckBox.
Default: Radio.
Explanation: The type of toggle gadget to be used.
Menu: Left, Center, Right.
Default: Left.
Explanation: Alignment of the label within
the bounding box of the toggle gadget.
3 States Mode
Check box: Available if Shape = CheckBox
(see Shape above).
Default: Unchecked.
Explanation: The toggle can have three states
(True, False, Null) when the toggle is a check box and
if this field is true.
Callbacks Page
For a description of this notebook page, refer to the section Callbacks Notebook Page.

Version 5.6
Copyright © 2012, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.