Rogue Wave Views Data Access Gadgets > Display Gadgets Reference > IliEntryField > Entry Field Inspector Panel
Entry Field Inspector Panel
The IliEntryField inspector has four notebook pages:
*Data Source Page
*General Page
*Specific Page
*Callbacks Page
Data Source Page
Data source
Menu: Names of current data sources.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Name of the source to which the
entry field gadget is to be connected.
Menu: Column names of the data source selected in
the Data source field.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Column of the data source table to which
the gadget is to be connected.
Menu: List of predefined system and user formats.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Format to be applied to the value in
the entry field gadget.
Menu: List of predefined system and user input formats.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Input format to be applied to the value in
the entry field gadget.
Use property
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: Yes.
Yes = The entry field gadget uses a property manager.
No = The entry field gadget does not use
a property manager.
General Page
For a description of this notebook page, refer to the section General Notebook Page.
Specific Page
Not available.
Menu: Left, Center, Right.
Default: Left.
Explanation: The alignment of the value in
the Entry Field gadget.
No. Chars
Menu: None.
Default: -1.
Explanation: The maximum number of characters that
can be entered in the Entry Field gadget.
Check box.
Default: Checked.
Checked = The field in the gadget can be edited.
Not checked = The field in the gadget cannot be edited.
Change focus on
Check box.
Default: Checked.
Checked = Focus moves to the next gadget
after validation.
Not checked = Focus remains on this gadget.
Callbacks Page
For a description of this notebook page, refer to the section Callbacks Notebook Page.

Version 5.6
Copyright © 2012, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.