Rogue Wave Views Data Access Gadgets > Display Gadgets Reference > IliDbField > DbField Inspector Panel
DbField Inspector Panel
The IliDbField inspector has four notebook pages:
*Data Source Page
*Mapping Page
*General Page
*Callbacks Page
Data Source Page
Data source
Menu: Names of current data sources.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Name of the data source to which
the DbField gadget is to be connected.
Menu: Column names of the data source selected in
the Data source field.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Column of the data source table to which
the DbField gadget is to be connected.
Menu: Left, Center, Right.
Default: Left.
Explanation: Alignment of the value in
the DbField gadget.
Menu: List of predefined system and user formats.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Format to be applied to the value in
the DbField gadget.
Menu: List of predefined system and user input formats.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Input format to be entered in
the DbField gadget.
Max length
Menu: None.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Maximum number of characters that
can be entered in the DbField gadget.
Read only
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: No.
Yes = The field can be edited.
No = The field cannot be edited.
Use property
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: Yes.
Yes = The DbField gadget uses a property manager.
No = The DbField gadget does not use
a property manager.
Menu: List of possible styles the DbField gadget
can assume.
Default: EntryField.
Explanation: Sets the style for the DbField gadget.
Menu: None.
Default: DbField
Explanation: The text for the label placed next
to the gadget.
Label font
Menu: None.
Button: Click to open the Font Chooser Dialog Box.
Default: Font of DbField gadget palette.
Explanation: Font used for the label entered in
the Label field.
Label color
Menu: None.
Button: Click to open the Color Chooser Dialog Box.
Default: Foreground color of the DbField gadget
Explanation: Color used for the label entered in
the Label field.
Label position
Menu: Top, Left.
Default: Top.
Explanation: The position of the label relative to the gadget.
Mapping Page
Foreign data source
Menu: Names of foreign data sources.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Data source containing the columns
to which the values for the current column
are to be mapped so as to convert the value
to another value and display it.
Foreign value
Menu: Column names of the data source selected
in the Foreign data source field.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Column in the foreign data source
containing the value to which the current column is
to be mapped.
Foreign display
Menu: Column names of the data source selected in
the Foreign data source field.
Default: No default.
Explanation: Column in the foreign data source
containing the value to be displayed when the column
specified in the Foreign Value Column row is referred to.
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: No.
Explanation: Applies only when the value entered in
the Foreign value column and Foreign display
column rows is the same.
Yes = Can only enter a value that belongs to
the foreign data source.
No = Can enter any value.
Menu: Yes, No.
Default: Yes.
Explanation: Is in effect only when constrained = Yes.
Yes = Can enter a DbField item by typing enough of
its initial characters to make it unique, then validating it
or leaving the cell.
No = Cannot enter a DbField item by typing its
unique initial characters.
General Page
For a description of this notebook page, refer to the section General Notebook Page.
Callbacks Page
For a description of this notebook page, refer to the section Callbacks Notebook Page.

Version 5.6
Copyright © 2012, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.