Rogue Wave Views Data Access Common Framework > Data Access Basics > Rogue Wave Views Interface > Gadgets
Among the graphic objects that can be used in containers, one category of graphic objects is especially relevant for Data Access, namely gadgets.
All gadget classes inherit from the IlvGadget class, which is a subclass of the IlvGraphic class. Gadgets are specially designed graphic objects that are used to build data entry forms.
Rogue Wave® Views provides a variety of gadgets (text fields, buttons, menu bars, and so on) for creating objects in your graphical user interface. These gadgets can be accessed in the Rogue Wave Views Studio Palettes panel. See Chapter 1 of the Rogue Wave Views Data Access Getting Started.
Data Access provides a certain number of additional gadgets that are designed to facilitate the seamless integration of different types of data sources with graphical user interfaces. These gadgets are generally referred to as data-source-aware gadgets. Data-source-aware gadgets are described in more detail later. See Data-Source-Aware Gadgets.

Version 5.6
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