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Using IlvMenuBar and IlvToolBar
The classes IlvMenuBar and IlvToolBar define menu bars and toolbars.
Figure 13.11    A Menu Bar
Figure 13.12    A Toolbar
These classes are very similar. The only difference is that IlvToolBar provides interactive features that the IlvMenuBar does not support, such as tooltips and gadgets.
Managing Gadgets in a Toolbar
You can use gadgets as toolbar items using the member function setGraphic. These gadgets are active, which means that they react to user events.
You can add a gadget to a toolbar with the member function insertGraphic.
Figure 13.13 shows a toolbar with a combo box.
Figure 13.13    A Toolbar with a Gadget
When the user clicks a gadget in a toolbar, the gadget is given the focus and all keyboard events are directly sent to it. See Focus Management.
You can force the focus to be given to a specific item with setFocusItem and retrieve the gadget that has the focus with getFocusItem.
Using Tooltips in a Toolbar
Menu items in a toolbar can be associated with a tooltip. A tooltip is short explanatory text that is displayed when the user places the mouse over its associated menu item.
To set a tooltip for a menu item, use setToolTip. To disable tooltips, call useToolTips with its parameter set to IlFalse.
Figure 13.14    Tooltip Displayed

Version 5.6
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