Rogue Wave Views 5.5.1

Rogue Wave Views
Grapher Package API Reference Guide

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Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
IlvAddLinkCommandGrapher command class
IlvAddNodeCommandGrapher command class
IlvArcLinkImageImplementation of links drawn as an arc
IlvDoubleLinkImageImplementation of links drawn with 3 orthogonal segments
IlvDoubleSplineLinkImageImplementation of links drawn with a spline defined by 3 orthogonal segments
IlvGenericPinPredefined IlvGrapherPin subclass
IlvGrapherGrapher class
IlvGrapherPinGrapher pins management class
IlvGraphInputFileGrapher input handling
IlvGraphNodeSelectionSelection objects for grapher nodes
IlvGraphOutputFileGrapher output handling
IlvGraphSelectInteractorGrapher interactor for selecting and manipulating graphic objects
IlvLinkConnectionMessageMessage class used when the extremities of a grapher link change
IlvLinkHandleGeneric class to specify any graphic object as a grapher link
IlvLinkImageBase class for grapher links
IlvLinkInteractorBase class for interactors used to edit grapher links
IlvLinkLabelGrapher link annotated with a label
IlvMakeDoubleLinkImageInteractorPredefined grapher interactor to create IlvDoubleLinkImage instances
IlvMakeDoubleSplineLinkImageInteractorPredefined grapher interactor to create IlvDoubleSplineLinkImage instances
IlvMakeLabelLinkImageInteractorPredefined grapher interactor to create IlvLinkLabel instances
IlvMakeLinkImageInteractorPredefined grapher interactor to create IlvLinkImage instances
IlvMakeLinkInteractorGrapher interactor to create links
IlvMakeLinkInteractorFactoryFactory to create links
IlvMakeNodeInteractorGrapher interactor to create nodes
IlvMakeNodeInteractorFactoryFactory to create nodes
IlvMakeOneLinkImageInteractorPredefined grapher interactor to create IlvOneLinkImage instances
IlvMakeOneSplineLinkImageInteractorPredefined grapher interactor to create IlvOneSplineLinkImage instances
IlvMakePolylineLinkInteractorGrapher interactor to create IlvPolylineLinkImage links
IlvMakePolyLinkInteractorGrapher interactor to create links defined by several points
IlvMakeReliefNodeInteractorGrapher interactor to create nodes drawn as relief rectangles
IlvMakeShadowNodeInteractorGrapher interactor to create nodes drawn as shadow rectangles
IlvOneLinkImageImplementation of links drawn with 2 orthogonal segments
IlvOneSplineLinkImageImplementation of links drawn with a spline defined by 2 orthogonal segments
IlvPinEditorInteractorGrapher interactor for editing connection pins
IlvPolylineLinkImageImplementation of links with an arbitrary shape
IlvRemoveLinkCommandGrapher command class
IlvRemoveNodeCommandGrapher command class
IlvSCGrapherRectangleView rectangle class

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