Rogue Wave Server/Rogue Wave Views Integration > The Rogue Wave Views Component > The Predefined Rogue Wave Views Component
The Predefined Rogue Wave Views Component
Rogue Wave® Server provides a precompiled generic Rogue Wave Views component (swcomp or swcomp.exe) that can be used to visualize dynamic views without having to compile a component. This Rogue Wave Views component uses the Connection Panel to allow you to connect to a server if you do not want to use the command line options.
Figure 14.1    Connection Panel of the V<smaller letters>IEWS Component
You can find more information on this application component in the Rogue Wave Server Getting Started manual.
Command Line Options
The command line options for swcomp are described below.
Note:  All standard command line options, as described for the function IlsMvProcess::initialize, are also accepted (see the Rogue Wave Server Reference Manual).
*-ilvpath <directory> or -ilvp <directory>: This option specifies an additional directory that can be used to tell the component where to look for resource files. This directory is added to the path in the Rogue Wave Views display.
*-swnoconn: This option runs the component without a connection panel.
*-swhideconn: This option hides the connection panel so that the component is launched without it. With this option, every time a server is disconnected, the connection panel is re-opened so that you can manually reconnect to a server.
*-dbm <file name>: This option specifies an additional Rogue Wave Views resource file to be read at startup. This can be useful if you want to run your application in different languages.
*-noblock: This option runs the component in non-blocking mode (refer to the method IlsSwComponent::setBlockingMode in the Rogue Wave Server Reference Manual for details). The environment variable ILSSW_NO_BLOCKING_MODE can be used to set the default blocking mode to IlsFalse.
*-panelname <name>: This option specifies the .ilv file to be used as the panel in which to open all views.
*-paneltitle <name>: This option can be used in conjunction with the option ‑panelname to set the title of the panel in which the views are to be opened.
*-declare <panel | datasources>: This option specifies that the panel or the data sources contained in the panel read using -panelname should be declared as view parameters.
The source code of this predefined component is available in ILSHOME/src/C/swcomp.

Version 5.8
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