Rogue Wave Server/Rogue Wave Views Integration
Part III 
Rogue Wave Server/Rogue Wave Views Integration
Part III, is describes the Rogue Wave® Server/Rogue Wave Views integration, also called Rogue Wave Server/Rogue Wave Views mapping. This mapping allows you to define dynamic views that will represent your server object model as a set of Rogue Wave Views data sources.
Rogue Wave Server Studio, a tool dedicated to this mapping, enables you to define dynamic views graphically and to describe your Graphical User Interface.
This part is divided as follows:
*Chapter 12, Overview of the Server/Views Integration introduces the basic features of the Server/Views library and of the mapping mechanism.
*In Server/Views Mapping, you will learn more about the mapping mechanism, in particular about Data Access data sources and Server data sources, about the Server/Data Access representation model, multiple-row-type tables, extending the Server/Views library. etc.
*The Rogue Wave Views Component presents swcomp, the predefined Views application component and explains how to design your own component.

Version 5.8
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