unsetSetContext > Semantics of Dynamic View Type Specifications > Expressions and Type Inheritance
Expressions and Type Inheritance
You can reference a parent class or a derived class in the data-member access path of an expression.
For example, let us assume the following Server model:
B inherits from A
C has a unary relation r on A
The following specification is correct:
subscribe origin B:
represent Table t:
subscribe C:
represent Row row:
Ref<Table> table=r.B->table;
When expression r.B->t is evaluated, the following happens:
*First the target of the relation r is accessed. If it exists, it is safely downcast to the type B (using the static member function B::Narrow).
*If the downcast succeeds, the reference of the table associated with the B object, if any, is returned.
*In other cases, a null reference is returned.

Version 5.8
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