unsetSetContext > Semantics of Dynamic View Type Specifications
Semantics of Dynamic View Type Specifications
This section describes the semantics for specifying dynamic view types. You can find the complete grammar in Appendix , Grammar of Dynamic View Type Specifications.
Rogue Wave Server lets you define view types dynamically. Defining a dynamic view type (sometimes abbreviated to “DVT”) consists in mapping at runtime all or part of a Server object model to a representation model, which is handled by an application component. At compile time, a dynamic view type has no existence. It is created when its specification file is loaded by the server either when that server is started or while it is running.
For information on the Server object model, see the modeling classes and class templates described in Rogue Wave Server Library. For information on the representation model, see the classes IlsRpModel and IlsRpObjModel.

Version 5.8
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