unsetSetContext > Semantics of Dynamic View Type Specifications > Dynamic View Types and C++ View Types
Dynamic View Types and C++ View Types
IlsMvView is the default C++ class for dynamic-view type implementation. However,
a dynamic view can also be implemented by an instance of a subtype of IlsMvView.
For example:
view DomainView is MyView(...):...
Subtypes of IlsMvView must be declared as runtime types using the macros ILS_MVVIEW_DECL and ILS_MVVIEW_BEGIN/ILS_MVVIEW_END. You can declare runtime attributes and relations on IlsMvView subtypes using the macros ILS_RP_ATTR_XXX, ILS_ENTRY_XXX, ILS_DERIVED_XXX.
*A runtime relation named origin is implicitly declared on the runtime type associated with IlsMvView (see “Dynamic View Types: Overview”.). This relation is read-only. Its target is the main origin of the view.
*Another runtime relation, named view, is implicitly declared on each Server object type for which the corresponding dynamic-view type contains a subscribe instruction. The default type of its target is IlsMvView or the subtype specified in the dynamic-view type header, if any. This runtime relation is read-only.
*The runtime-accessible relation IlsMvView::isMainOrigin, implicitly declared on any Server runtime type, can be used in an expression of a dynamic-view type to test if a Server object is the main origin of the view.

Version 5.8
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