Dynamic view-related class (server side)
Inheritance Path 
This class is a factory class used to create instances of the class IlsMvServer.
By subclassing IlsMvServerFactory and overriding the function newInstance, you can create your own subtype of IlsMvServer.
Header File 
#include <ilserver/mvserver.h>
class IlsMvServerFactory{
virtual ~IlsMvServerFactory();
virtual IlsMvServer* newInstance(int threadMode);
static IlsMvServerFactory& GetSingleton();
static IlsMvServerFactory* GetSingletonPtr();
static IlsMvServerFactory* SetSingleton(IlsMvServerFactory* s);
This constructor is called either by the constructor of a derived class or by the GetSingleton function.
virtual ~IlsMvServerFactory();
The singleton is automatically deleted at process exit.
Member Functions 
[virtual] IlsMvServer* newInstance(int threadMode);
This virtual member function is called by the server on the class singleton to create an instance of IlsMvServer. The threadMode parameter specifies the execution mode of the server. Refer to the protected IlsMvServer constructor for details about the various server execution modes.
This function returns a pointer to the new instance. You must override it if you want Rogue Wave Server to create instances of a specific derived class.
[static] IlsMvServerFactory& GetSingleton();
This static member function returns a reference to the server factory. If no factory has been declared yet (see the function SetSingleton below), an instance of IlsMvServerFactory is automatically created, declared as the class singleton using the SetSingleton function, and returned as the result of the function.
[static] IlsMvServerFactory* GetSingletonPtr();
This static member function returns a pointer to the class singleton. If no singleton has been declared yet, it returns the null pointer.
[static] IlsMvServerFactory* SetSingleton(IlsMvServerFactory* fp);
This static member function declares the object pointed to by fp as the server factory singleton. If fp is null, it means that there is no longer a server factory singleton. Either the address of the previous current server factory or, by default, the null pointer is returned as the result of the function.
See Also 

Version 5.8
Copyright © 2014, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.