Dynamic view-related, nested structure (component and server side)
This structure enables you to specify a message identifier, a message level and a message description.
<mvserver> and <mvcomp>
Header File 
#include <ilserver/mvmsg.h>
struct SvMsg {
typedef unsigned short int Level;
IlsMvMessage::Identifier identifier;
Level level;
IlsString data;
static const IlsString DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION;
// User defined levels starts at 10;
static const Level Mv_Info;
static const Level Mv_Warning;
static const Level Mv_Error;
static const Level Mv_Debug;
SvMsg(IlsMvMessage::Identifier id,
Level lvl = MV_INFO,
const IlsString& desc = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION);
IlsString toString() const;
SvMsg(IlsMvMessage::Identifier id,
Level lvl = MV_INFO,
const IlsString& desc = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION);
This constructor creates a message with the specified identifier, level and message description. It takes the following three arguments:
*id is the message identifier. For messages created by Rogue Wave Server, this parameter identifies a message from the message data base view.dbm (see $ILSHOME/data). The possible values of this identifier are listed in the enumerated type IlsViewServices::ErrorNumber declared in file ilserver/vservice.h.
*lvl is the message level. This argument can be used for filtering purpose. Levels from 1 to 10 are reserved by Server. These reserved levels include MV_INFO, MV_WARNING, MV_ERROR, and MV_DEBUG,and are handled in a specific way by Server. You should use them when appropriate.
*desc is the message description. If no description is supplied, a default description is used.
IlsString toString() const;
This member function returns a string representation of the message with the following format:
<level> [<identifier>] : desc
See Also 

Version 5.8
Copyright © 2014, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.