Dynamic modeling class
Inheritance Path 
This class is used by Rogue Wave® Server to instantiate a new dynamic relation. To create your own factory, make a subclass of this class and install it using the member function IlsDynObjectFactory::setRelationFactory.
Header File
#include <ilserver/dynobj.h>
class IlsDynRelationFactory
virtual IlsDynRelation* newNaryRelation
(IlsDynObject& obj,
const IlsRelationDef& relDef,
IlsRelationId id,
IlsBoolean owns = IlsTrue,
IlsDynRelation::RelationImplementation impl =
virtual IlsDynRelation* newInverseRelation
(IlsDynObject& obj,
const IlsRelationDef& relDef,
IlsDynRelation::RelationImplementation impl =
virtual IlsDynRelation* newUnaryServerRelation
(IlsDynObject& obj,
const IlsRelationDef& relDef,
IlsRelationId id,
IlsBoolean owns = IlsTrue,
IlsBoolean mandatory = IlsTrue);
virtual IlsDynRelation* newUnaryRelation
(IlsDynObject& obj,
const IlsRelationDef& relDef,
IlsRelationId id);
Member Functions 
[virtual] IlsDynRelation* newNaryRelation
(IlsDynObject& obj,
const IlsRelationDef& relDef,
IlsRelationId id, IlsBoolean owns = IlsTrue,
IlsDynRelation::RelationImplementation impl =
This virtual member function returns a new instance of an n-ary dynamic relation, depending on the implementation passed as the third argument.
[virtual] IlsDynRelation* newInverseRelation
(IlsDynObject& obj,
const IlsRelationDef& relDef,
IlsDynRelation::RelationImplementation impl =
This virtual member function returns a new instance of an inverse dynamic relation, depending on the implementation passed as the third argument.
[virtual] IlsDynRelation* newUnaryServerRelation
(IlsDynObject& obj,
const IlsRelationDef& relDef,
IlsRelationId id,
IlsBoolean owns = IlsTrue,
IlsBoolean mandatory = IlsTrue);
This virtual member function returns a new instance of a unary server dynamic relation that can be implemented as an IlsOwns or IlsUses relation, depending on the relation definition passed as the second argument.
[virtual] IlsDynRelation* newUnaryRelation
(IlsDynObject& obj,
const IlsRelationDef& relDef,
IlsRelationId id);
This virtual member function returns a new instance of a unary dynamic relation.
See Also 
IlsDynRelation, IlsDynRelations, IlsDynAttributeFactory

Version 5.8
Copyright © 2014, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.