Dynamic view-related class (server side)
Inheritance Path 
This subclass of IlsMvServer runs a dynamic view server with dynamic modeling capabilities. Rogue Wave Views Script integration on the server side is also available when running this server. If you choose to use this dynamic view server, you must link your server application with the dynmvsvr library.
Note: This class does not set any IlsMvServer factory. The instantiated class is still IlsMvServer (or a subclass of it if you have installed a factory).
Header File 
#include <ilserver/dynmvsvr.h>
class IlsDynMvServer : public IlsMvServer
static IlsBoolean Initialize
(int& argc,
char** argv,
int threadMode=IlsMvServer:: ILS_THREADED_DEFAULT,
IlsBoolean consoleMode= IlsFalse);
static IlsBoolean LoadModel(const IlsString& modelFile);
static void CanUpdateModel(IlsBoolean flag);
Member Functions 
[static] IlsBoolean Initialize(int& argc,
char** argv,
int threadMode=IlsMvServer::ILS_THREADED_DEFAULT,
IlsBoolean consoleMode= IlsFalse);
Use this static member function to initialize a dynamic view server with dynamic modeling capabilities. This method parses the following command line options:
*-ilsm or -ilsmodel <model_file>
This option allows you to load a dynamic model file at startup. Model files are generated by Rogue Wave Server Studio. The model file, if any, is loaded first, then the script file is loaded, and lastly the dynamic views are parsed. See the LoadModel member function below. You may specify more than one -ilsm directive.
*-ilsj or -ilsjscript <script_file>
This option allows you to load an Rogue Wave Views Script file at startup. You may specify more than one -ilsj directive. This function also initializes the Rogue Wave Views Script integration. Set the consoleMode argument to IlsTrue if you want IBM ILOG Script to use the console to display messages (Windows® platforms only). If you do so, Rogue Wave Views Script messages will be redirected to Rogue Wave Server messages of type IlsMsg (see the class IlsLogfile), otherwise, messages will be directly handled by Rogue Wave Views Script.
[static] IlsBoolean LoadModel(const IlsString& modelFile);
This static member function can be used to load a dynamic model from a file. Rogue Wave Server assumes this file is an XMI file and invoke the default built-in XMI parser.
A dynamic type and its description should be loaded to the server only once. If a dynamic type description contained in the model file extends a C++ type, this description must be loaded to the server before opening a view on that type and before instantiating any object of this type.
This function is normally used at initialization. Pass the -ilsm option to the Initialize function, then call LoadModel.
[static] void CanUpdateModel(IlsBoolean flag);
By default, after the model has been loaded to the server, it can no longer be updated while the application is running. This static member function enables you to change this default behavior. If you call this function with the flag parameter set to IlsTrue, then you will be able to update the model while the application is running.
Note: Setting this mode has a slight impact on the performances when accessing dynamic objects.
See Also 

Version 5.8
Copyright © 2014, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.