Dynamic view-related class (server side)
Inheritance Path 
An IlsAttributeDef object defines the runtime visibility and access to an attribute (usually an entry or a derived data member) of a server object type. It is implicitly created in the server model interpreter via the static initialization data declared in macros such as ILS_DERIVED_XXX, ILS_ENTRY_XXX, ILS_R_ATTRIBUTE_XXX, ILS_R_INDEXED_ATTR_XXX, ILS_RW_ATTRIBUTE_XXX, ILS_RW_INDEXED_ATTR_XXX, ILS_W_ENTRY_XXX.
Header File 
#include <ilserver/rtmodel.h>
class IlsAttributeDef{
const IlsString& getName()const;
IlsBoolean isIndexed()const;
IlsBoolean isEntry() const;
IlsBoolean isDerived() const;
IlsBoolean isPureAttr() const;
IlsMvDataType getType()const;
IlsBoolean isImplicit() const;
IlsAttributeAccessor getAccessor()const;
IlsAttributeModifier getModifier()const;
IlsAttributeModifTest getModifTest()const;
IlsAttributeSubscriber getSubscriber()const;
IlsIdxAttributeAccessor getIdxAccessor()const;
IlsIdxAttributeModifier getIdxModifier()const;
IlsIdxAttributeModifTest getIdxModifTest()const;
IlsIdxAttributeSubscriber getIdxSubscriber()const;
IlsBoolean isExported() const;
void setExported(IlsBoolean b);
void declAlias(const IlsString& newName);
Member Functions 
const IlsString& getName()const;
This member function returns the name of the attribute.
IlsBoolean isIndexed()const;
This member function returns IlsTrue if the attribute is indexed. Otherwise, it returns IlsFalse.
IlsBoolean isEntry() const;
This member function returns IlsTrue if the attribute is an entry attribute. Otherwise, it returns IlsFalse.
IlsBoolean isDerived() const;
This member function returns IlsTrue if the attribute is a derived attribute. Otherwise, it returns IlsFalse.
IlsBoolean isPureAttr() const;
This member function returns IlsTrue if the attribute is a simple attribute. Otherwise, it returns IlsFalse.
IlsMvDataType getType()const;
This member function returns the type of the attribute value.
IlsBoolean isImplicit() const;
This member function returns IlsTrue if the attribute has been implicitly declared by Rogue Wave® Server, as is, for instance, the representation status attribute (rpStatus) of any server object type.
IlsAttributeAccessor getAccessor()const;
This member function returns the accessor to the value of a non-indexed attribute.
IlsAttributeModifier getModifier()const;
This member function returns the modifier of a non indexed attribute, or the null pointer if the attribute is not editable or is indexed.
IlsAttributeModifTest getModifTest()const;
This member function returns the function testing the modification of a non-indexed attribute.
IlsAttributeSubscriber getSubscriber()const;
This member function returns the function allowing subscribing or unsubscribing to a non-indexed attribute or, by default, the null pointer. This function is usually declared only for derived attributes and calls the IlsDerived::incrEagerness and IlsDerived::decrEagerness functions.
IlsIdxAttributeAccessor getIdxAccessor()const;
This member function returns the accessor to the value of an indexed attribute.
IlsIdxAttributeModifier getIdxModifier()const;
This member function returns the modifier of an indexed attribute, or the null pointer if the attribute is not editable or is not indexed.
IlsIdxAttributeModifTest getIdxModifTest()const;
This member function returns the function that tests the modification of an indexed attribute.
IlsIdxAttributeSubscriber getIdxSubscriber()const;
This member function returns the function allowing subscribing or unsubscribing to an indexed attribute or, by default, the null pointer. This function is usually declared only for derived attributes and calls the IlsDerived::incrEagerness and IlsDerived::decrEagerness functions.
IlsBoolean isExported() const;
This member function returns IlsTrue if this element of the server model interpreter is exported. By default, all model interpreter elements are exported.
void setExported(IlsBoolean b);
Use this member function to export an element of the server model interpreter or to cancel exportation. Non-exported elements are not seen in Rogue Wave Server Studio.
void declAlias(const IlsString& newName);
This member function declares an alias for the attribute. A new attribute named newName is created for the class that holds the attribute. The new attribute shares the same accessors and modifiers as the original.
See Also 

Version 5.8
Copyright © 2014, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.