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Glossaries > JViews Diagrammer Glossary > S
SDM model
See data model.
selection box
A dashed box that appears around nodes or links when they are selected in the Designer.
(CSS) The left side of a style rule. A selector consists of a mandatory object type, which is a class in a data model, and optional tags, pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements, and attribute conditions. A selector undergoes pattern-matching to determine the scope of the style rule.
separable model architecture
A Swing variant of the traditional MVC design of user-interface objects, where the view and controller parts are bundled together.
style file
(CSS) A file containing CSS statements.
style rule
(CSS) A formal statement which conforms to the CSS syntax and is used to attach styles to model objects. A style rule contains a selector and a declaration.
style sheet
(CSS) A list of style rules for customizing the appearance of a diagram in a diagram component. A style sheet is saved in a file with extension .css.
(Styling) An object that is created during the application of a declaration in a CSS style sheet, by virtue of a declaration value of the form @#identifier, @=identifier, or @+identifier. It is styled through the same CSS style sheet, although it is not contained in the original CSS model.
Swimlanes (also known as the Rummler-Brache approach) provide a way of imposing organizational structure on processes. The lanes, which are organizational bands representing different participants or departments in an organization, are placed around subsets of the process steps. The swimlane enclosing a set of steps delineates the ownership of those steps for process management purposes.
The Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) is the window toolkit of the Eclipse™ development environment and the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP).
A symbol is a collection of graphic objects, parameters and conditions used to give a dynamic representation of changing data. It is made up of objects and other symbols. Symbols are created using the Symbol Editor. A finished symbol is manipulated by being imported into other Rogue Wave JViews applications such as the Designer, the Dashboard Editor, or directly using the Rogue Wave JViews Java™ API.
Symbol Editor
The GUI supplied for developing symbols.

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