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JViews Diagrammer Glossary
about-to-change event
When a property value is about to be notified to the model, it is advisable to notify interested listeners as well so that they have an opportunity to constrain or even to veto the proposed new property value.
A pair of methods, the getter method and the setter method, that are used to access the value of an object property.
adjustment session
A sequence of changes defined between set XYZ Adjusting(true) and set XYZ Adjusting(false) statements. Adjustment sessions are used to indicate to listeners of the changes that the changes are part of a sequence. This allows to optimize listeners to validate the changes only at the end of the adjustment session, when the setAdjusting(false) statement is issued. The performance of an application can improve dramatically if adjustment sessions are used in the proper way.Examples of changes that can be included in an adjustment session are: changes to a style sheet, to the contents of a manager, to the SDM model, and many more.
A program designed to be executed from within an application and not directly from the operating system. An applet is usually a simple, single-function program that ships with a larger product. Oracle's message to developers whose applications currently rely on the Java browser plug-in is that they need to consider alternatives, such as migrating from Java Applets to the Java Web Start technology.

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