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Programmer's documentation > Building Web Applications > Developing JViews Gantt JSF applications
Developing JViews Gantt JSF applications
Shows you how to use the Rogue Wave® JViews Gantt JSF components to build your Web applications.
*Shows you how to use the components of JViews GanttJViews Charts to create JavaServer™ Pages compliant with JavaServer™ Faces.
*The architecture of JViews Gantt JSF technology
*Presents an overview of the architecture of JViews Gantt JSF technology.
*The JViews Gantt JSF component set
*Presents some examples to illustrate how to use JViews Gantt JSF components.
*JavaScript objects
*Explains the creation of JavaScript objects corresponding to JViews Gantt JSF components.
*Contexts for actions on the Gantt Chart view
*Describes the contexts in which actions can be executed in response to interactions on the view.

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