Name | Description |
level | The distance of the object from the model root, in the tree model. This is 0 for the root, 1 for the root children, and so on. |
focusLevel | The distance of the treemap renderer focus (= the root of the subtree model being displayed) from the model root. |
leaf | true if the object has no children objects in the model, false otherwise. |
Name | Type | Default Value |
color1 | java.awt.Paint | null |
color2 | java.awt.Paint | null |
endCap | int (enumerated) | java.awt.BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT |
lineJoin | int (enumerated) | java.awt.BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL |
lineStyle | float[] | null |
lineWidth | float | 1 |
miterLimit | float | 10 |
stroke | java.awt.Stroke | null |
annotation | IlvDataAnnotation | null |
visible | boolean | true |
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
visible | boolean | true | Indicates whether the renderer is visible. |
name | String | null | The name of the renderer. |
visibleInLegend | boolean | true | Indicates whether the renderer creates legend items. |
areaColumnName | String | null | The column chosen to determine the area of each object. |
colorColumnName | String | null | The column chosen to determine the color of each rectangle. |
labelColumnName | String | null | The column chosen to determine the label of each object, as shown by IlvDataLabelAnnotation. |
CSSClassesColumnName | String | null | The column chosen to determine the CSS classes of each object. |
packing | enumerated: ALTERNATING, SQUARIFIED_CORNER, SQUARIFIED, BAR | ALTERNATING | The rectangle packing. |
primaryDirection | enumerated: RIGHT, LEFT, TRAILING, TOP, BOTTOM | TRAILING | The primary direction of arrangement of the rectangles. |
secondaryDirection | enumerated: RIGHT, LEFT TRAILING, TOP, BOTTOM | BOTTOM | The secondary direction of arrangement of the rectangles. |
leadingMarginProportion | double, between 0 and 1 | 0.02 | Leading margin proportion. |
maximumLeadingMargin | double | 2 | Maximum leading margin, in pixels. |
trailingMarginProportion | double, between 0 and 1 | 0.01 | Trailing margin proportion. |
maximumTrailingMargin | double | 2 | Maximum trailing margin, in pixels. |
bottomMarginProportion | double, between 0 and 1 | 0.02 | Bottom margin proportion. |
maximumBottomMargin | double | 2 | Maximum bottom margin, in pixels. |
topMarginProportion | double, between 0 and 1 | 0.05 | Top margin proportion. |
maximumTopMargin | double | 30 | Maximum top margin, in pixels. |
marginReductionFactor | double, between 0 and 1 | 1.0 | Describes the margin proportions of a nested rectangle, compared to the margin proportions of the rectangle that contains it. |
useMarginsOnRoot | boolean | true | Indicates whether margins also apply to the outermost rectangle. |
focusParentMarginProportion | double, between 0 and 1 | 0.02 | Focus parent margin proportion. |
maximumFocusParentMargin | double | 5 | Maximum focus parent margin, in pixels. |
colorForNaN | Color | #AAAAAA | The color used when a value in the color column is NaN. |
strokeThreshold | int | 0 | The minimum size of a rectangle, under which the stroke of a rendering style is not used. |
annotation | IlvDataAnnotation | null | An annotation for all the tree nodes. |
labelAlignmentX | enumerated: LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, LEADING, TRAILING | LEADING | The horizontal alignment of each label within the rectangle to which it belongs. |
labelAlignment Y | enumerated: BOTTOM, CENTER, TOP | TOP | The vertical alignment of each label within the rectangle to which it belongs. |
labelFormat | java.text.Format | null | The format for labels associated with rectangles. |
annotationClipping | boolean | true | Indicates whether annotations are clipped to fit in their corresponding rectangle. |
annotationVisibility | non-negative integer or one of ALL, SMART, NONE | ALL | The visibility mode for annotations. |
legendLabelFormat | java.text.Format | null | The format for labels associated with colors in the legend. |