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Developing with design tools > Using the Designer > Getting to know the Designer > The rule menu
The rule menu
To manage your style rules, right-click and choose from the Rule menu. This menu contains many rule management commands, as described in this section.
To create a style rule, proceed as follows:
*Right-click a data rule and choose Create Style Rule Wizard from the Rule menu.
See Create Style Rule wizard for more information.
To change a style rule, proceed as follows:
*Right-click a data rule, and choose Change Style Rule Wizard from the Rule menu.
See Change Style Rule wizard.
To cut a style rule, proceed as follows:
*Right-click a style rule, and choose Cut from the Rule menu.
If you have cut a rule, you can perform a Paste or Paste Styling Properties action to use the information in a different rule.
You can undo cut actions, see The undo and redo facilities.
To copy a style rule, proceed as follows:
*Right-click a style rule, and choose Copy from the Rule menu.
When you have copied a rule, you can perform a Paste or Paste Styling Properties action.
To paste a style rule, proceed as follows:
*Right-click the target style rule and choose Paste from the Rule menu.
This action changes both the conditions and the styling properties of the target rule.
NOTE Before pasting, you must have already copied the style rule to be pasted.
To paste styling properties, proceed as follows:
*Right-click the target style rule and choose Paste Styling Properties from the Rule menu.
This action leaves the conditions of the target rule unchanged and changes the styling properties.
NOTE Before pasting, you must have already copied the style rule to be pasted.
To delete a style rule:
*Right-click the target style rule and choose Delete from the Rule menu.
You can undo deletion, see The undo and redo facilities.
To customize the appearance of a style rule by renaming, proceed as follows:
1. Right-click the target style rule and choose Rename from the Rule menu.
2. Enter your preferred name.
The name you enter appears in place of the dot-separated notation.
To see the CSS code for a style rule, proceed as follows:
1. Right-click the target style rule and choose View from the Rule menu.
The View as CSS dialog appears.
2. Click OK to close the dialog.
The CSS code for all style rules and options is stored in the style sheet, which is saved as a .css file as part of the project.
To reorder the style rules within a subtree, proceed as follows:
1. A style rule that follows others may override property settings made by the preceding style rules. The order therefore represents a decision on priority.
To move a style rule up:
a. Right-click the target style rule and choose Move up on the Rule menu.
NOTE >> Overriding only occurs if the same property is set. If two rules set different properties, their order is unimportant.
You cannot place a less specific rule below a more specific rule.
2. To move a style rule down, proceed as follows:
a. Right-click the target style rule and choose Move down on the Rule menu.
NOTE >> Overriding only occurs if the same property is set. If two rules set different properties, their order is unimportant.
You cannot place a less specific rule below a more specific rule.
By default, all defined style rules are enabled. To enable then disable a style rule, proceed as follows:
1. Right-click the target rule and choose Disable on the Rule menu.
A disabled rule appears lighter and in italics. It is not applied (as if it had not been defined) but remains available in the tree so that you can re-enable it later. Disabling and re-enabling rules is useful for testing purposes.
2. Right-click the target rule and choose Enable on the Rule menu.
When you save a project file the enabled or disabled state of the rules is also saved.

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