Synchronizing the Contents of Several Data Sets
Your goal is to provide a display of the following measurements for a given day:
The temperature at the beginning of the day.
The temperature at the end of the day.
The highest temperature during the day.
The lowest temperature during the day.
1. Create a data set for each of these measures.
2. Store them in a data source. The update of these data sets occurs through a listener on the original temperature data set. This listener either appends new points or modifies the value of existing points in the corresponding data set.
// Contains the (High, Low, Start, End) data sets.
protected IlvDataSource hiloDS;
DataSetListener tempListener = new DataSetListener() {
public void dataSetContentsChanged(DataSetContentsEvent evt)
if (evt.getType() == DataSetContentsEvent.DATA_ADDED) {
IlvDataSet ds = evt.getDataSet();
double x = ds.getXData(evt.getFirstIdx());
double y = ds.getYData(evt.getFirstIdx());
int count = ds.getDataCount()-1;
if (count < 0) count = 0;
if ((count%24) == 0) {
// If the point begins a new day, add it to all the hilo data
// sets (High, Low, Start, End).
for (int i=0; i<hiloDS.getDataSetCount(); ++i) {
} else {
// Else, update the high/low/end values accordingly.
public void dataSetPropertyChanged(DataSetPropertyEvent evt) {}
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