It is now possible to associate actions triggered by the gestures
with modifiers such as Shift, Control, Meta and Alt. To achieve this, register the actions in the view or object interactors using extended modifiers, as illustrated below:
IlpNetwork network = // ...
// Retrieve the view interactorIlpViewInteractor
viewInteractor = network.getDefaultViewInteractor();
// Create an actionAction
myAction = new MyAction();
// Clicking the 3rd mouse button with shift modifier will trigger myAction
viewInteractor.setGestureAction(IlpGesture.BUTTON3_CLICKED,InputEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK, myAction);
The same configuration can be achieved using CSS, as follows:
viewInteractor: @+viewInt;
class: 'ilog.cpl.graphic.views.IlpViewsViewInteractor';
action[0]: @+viewAction0;
class: 'ilog.cpl.interactor.IlpGestureAction';
has been extended to support self links. To use this feature, create the interactor and enable self links using the method setSelfLinksAllowed(boolean)
is now available to create links with multiple points. This interactor also supports self links and straight links. By default, JViews TGO routes links using a link layout. When links are created using IltMakePolyLinkInteractor
, in order to respect the shape defined by the interactor, these links are marked as fixed so that the link layout does not reshape them when something changes in the component view. See the class IltMakePolyLinkInteractor
in the JViews TGO Reference Documentation for more information.