Interface | Description |
IlvAxis.Crossing |
Defines the value where two axes cross each other.
IlvChart3DSupport |
Defines the API to query for 3D support.
IlvChartConfiguration.IlvDataSourceXMLSerializer |
The interface for
IlvDataSource serializer. |
IlvChartDataPicker |
Defines the methods to perform a picking operation on a set of projected
data points.
IlvChartDrawable |
Common interface for objects that are drawn by the
chart area component of an
IlvChart . |
IlvChartProjector |
Defines the methods to perform the mapping between data and display coordinates.
IlvChartResizingPolicy |
Specifies a resizing policy for Cartesian charts.
IlvDataRangePolicy |
Defines a strategy for calculating the data range of chart axis.
IlvServerSideLayout |
A layout interface used for the server side image generation.
IlvValueFormat |
Formats data values into string.
Class | Description |
IlvAffineAxisTransformer |
Defines an affine transformation on the one-dimensional real line.
IlvAxis |
Defines a coordinate axis.
IlvAxisTransformer |
Defines a transformation that can be applied to the coordinates
along a given axis.
IlvCategoryStepsDefinition |
A steps definition for scales displaying categories.
IlvChart |
The chart component uses internally several subcomponents for specific
IlvChart.IlvChartImagePaintContext |
A class that encapsulates state information needed for the rendering of a
chart as a BufferedImage.
IlvChart.IlvChartPaintContext |
A class that encapsulates state information needed for the rendering of a
chart when the chart is used outside of the AWT-Event thread.
IlvChart3DView |
Represents the three-dimensional view of a chart.
IlvChart3DView.ZLayer |
Holds a set of renderers that are drawn at the same depth.
IlvChartAreaSynchronizer |
A class to synchronize a chart area with another component.
IlvChartConfiguration |
A class that reads and writes chart configuration file.
IlvChartDecoration |
Represents a graphical decoration that can be added to an
IlvChart . |
IlvChartInteractor |
This abstract class is the base class of all the interactors.
IlvChartLayout |
A layout manager class arranging and resizing the container components to
fit in 8 regions: north top, north bottom, south top, south bottom,
center, west, east, and absolute.
IlvChartOwnedDrawable |
This class denotes an object that is drawn as part of the chart area
component, and that may be "owned" by a chart.
IlvChartPrintContext |
A class to handle printing configurations.
IlvChartProduct |
This class contains several utility methods dealing with product packaging
of the Rogue Wave JViews Charts product.
IlvChartRenderer |
Base class for objects that render data sets.
IlvColor |
IlvColor class extends IlvColorUtil
to provide predefined color palettes for charts. |
IlvCoordinateSystem |
Represents a coordinate system composed of two axes.
IlvDataInterval |
A class to handle range of data.
IlvDataWindow |
Represents a data region expressed as ranges along the x- and y-axis.
IlvDefaultChartDataPicker |
A default data picker that uses an Euclidian distance between data points.
IlvDefaultDataRangePolicy |
Implements a default strategy for calculating the data range of chart axis.
IlvDefaultStepsDefinition |
Implements a default numbering of numeric steps.
IlvDisplayArea |
Represents a display area that corresponds to a projected data point.
IlvDisplayObjectArea |
Represents a display area that corresponds to a model object.
IlvDisplayPoint |
Represents a projected data point.
IlvDoublePoint |
A point defined by double values.
IlvDoublePoints |
Holds a set of points with (X, Y) coordinates.
IlvGrid |
Represents a grid that can be associated with a chart axis.
IlvHiLoOpenCloseRendererLegendItem |
Represents a legend item associated with a quadruple of data sets
(low, high, open, close) displayed by a
in CANDLE or OPENCLOSE mode. |
IlvIconLegendItem |
A simple class drawing its symbol using an icon.
IlvLabelRenderer |
Renders a label.
IlvLegend |
This class allows you to define a legend that can be added
to a chart.
IlvLegendItem |
This class defines the object added to an
IlvLegend . |
IlvLegendLayout |
LayoutManager class that arranges legend items. |
IlvLegendSeparator |
A border that draws a separator line between a chart legend and the
chart area.
IlvLocalZoomAxisTransformer |
Implements a local zoom on a coordinate.
IlvLogarithmicAxisTransformer |
Defines a logarithmic transformation.
IlvLogarithmicStepsDefinition |
A steps definition for logarithmic scales.
IlvMultipleTimeUnit |
Represents a multiple of predefined time units.
IlvPieRendererLegendItem |
Represents a legend item associated with a point displayed by a pie chart.
IlvRendererLegendItem |
A class defining a legend item linked to a chart renderer.
IlvScalableFontManager |
A class that provides support for scalable fonts to a
Component . |
IlvScale |
Represents a scale that can be connected to a chart axis.
IlvScaleAnnotation |
Draws an annotation on a scale.
IlvStepsDefinition |
Defines how scale steps values are computed.
IlvStyle |
Defines a rendering style that controls the drawings appearance.
IlvStyle.Change |
Implements a set of changes that can be applied to
instances. |
IlvStyle.ColorChange |
IlvStyle.Change subclass that modifies the colors
of an IlvStyle . |
IlvStyle.IntensityChange |
Changes the color intensity of an
IlvStyle . |
IlvTimeStepsDefinition |
Implements a default numbering of time steps.
IlvTimeUnit |
Represents a time unit used to compute the step values of a time scale.
IlvTreemapRendererLegendItem |
This class represents a legend associated with a color, as displayed by
this renderer.
Exception | Description |
IlvAxisTransformerException |
Signals that a transformation could not be properly computed.
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