JViews Core

Standard Syntax:
     <%@ taglib prefix="jv" uri="http://www.ilog.com/jviews/tlds/jviews-faces.tld" %>

XML Syntax:
     <anyxmlelement xmlns:jv="http://www.ilog.com/jviews/tlds/jviews-faces.tld" />

This tag library contains tags for the JViews Core Faces components as well as tags for auxiliary components that are used when making use of the JViews Faces components.

Tag Library Information
Display NameJViews Core
Short Namejv

Tag Summary
Auxiliary Faces Component for Debug Dependencies The auxiliary faces component for debug dependencies provides developers with a facility to identify unresolved dependencies that may exist in their JSF JSP pages.
Image Button Faces Component The image button faces component allows you to create a button and associate an action to be executed once it is clicked.
Menu Auxiliary Component The menu auxiliary component allows you to define a menu model.
Menu Item Auxiliary Component The menu item auxiliary component allows you to define a menu item in a menu model.
Menu Separator Auxiliary Component The menu separator auxiliary component allows you to define a menu separator in a menu model.
Message Box Faces Component The message box faces component allows other JViews Faces components to display messages to users.
interactorGroupNo Description
interceptInteractorNo Description
cursorChangeInteractorNo Description

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